CS 3750: Operating Systems I

Fall 2019 - Lab 3

Due November 12, 2019 (new)

This is an individual assignment. All work must be your own. You should not look at any other student's work (in whole or in part, on paper or on screen), nor allow anyone else to look at yours, during the course of this assignment.

Turn in your source code and compiled executable programs, with the specified program names, to Lab 3 in the CS Homework system.

This lab will ask you practice working with C and its libraries.

Implement a set of shell commands. Note that you must use the specified C library calls to implement the commands.

Implement your own versions of the shell commands listed below. Your version should simple have the basic, default behavior. You do not need to implement any of the command flags that are not specifically identified here.

The 'man' shell command is your friend!

(ss stands for Stanislaus State)

The authors of our textbook have written a getting started programming C tutorial that may, indeed, help you get started.

Remember to test your programs on a variety of input. What happens when they are given invalid file names? Empty files? Not plain text files? Your programs should behave gracefully when given unexpected input.

Good commenting and code structure do, of course, count in the assignment grade.

Turn in your source code (3 files) and executables (3 files) to Lab 3 in the CS Homework system.