CS 4010 Spring 2018

Lab 4

Find a computer and log into the OSX side using your CS login name and password.

Open Firefox and find the class web page.

Open TextWrangler - use the finder window and go to applications.
Open a new text file, called <insert your name>Lab4.txt, to record your work today - you will paste in some of your command lines. The header of the file should look like:
Your Name
CS 4010
Lab 4
February 23, 2018

Find the Terminal - use the finder window and go to applications and then utilities.

Make sure you have the examples from our book:

The first part is to practice with some basic unix commands. This is a continuation of Lab 3 and we will be working in pcfb/sandbox/test021408/

Find out how many lines in shaver_etal.csv have Goose lake and  July (this may take several steps and involve grep)

Go through the example on page 76 of searching across multiple files with grep.

Work though the curl examples on page 79 of the book. You will need to use the urls from the errata:

How to change your shell to bash and create .bash_profile

Here is a way that users can change their terminal to bash:
chsh -s /bin/bash
Then you have to enter your user password and open a new terminal window to see the changes.

How-to create a bash_profile:
Start up Terminal
Type "cd ~/" to go to your home folder
Type "touch .bash_profile" to create your new file.
Edit .bash_profile with nano, pico, or TextWrangler.
Type "source ~/.bash_profile" to reload .bash_profile and update any functions you add.

Turn it in:
Go to the CS Homework Submission System: https://www.cs.csustan.edu/cshomework/
Choose: instructor Martin
              Spring 2018
              CS 4010
              Lab 4
Upload the your <insert your name>Lab4.txt file as prompted.