CS 4010 Spring 2018

Lab 2

Find a computer and log into the OSX side using your CS login name and password.

Open Firefox and find the class web page.

Find TextWrangler - use the finder window and go to applications.

How to make you home directory easy to access:

In Finder: click on Finder in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Then click on Preferences.
Choose Sidebar.
It will give you a list of thing you can show in the sidebar.
Make sure Home is checked.

How to make it so you can right click with the mouse:
Go to System Preferences
Click on Mouse
Change right click from Primary to Secondary

Get Examples from our book if you have not already done so:

Work through the Example on page 28 of our textbook using FPexamples.fta

Work through Putting it all together on page 38 using Ch3observations.txt

What to turn in:
Create a new file in TextWrangler called <your name>Lab2.txt
For example my file would be called MelanieMartinLab2.txt

In this file, for each example, cut and paste:
Make sure to separate with blanks lines to make it readable.

Here is an example:

-9 59.8'S -157 58.2'W
+21 17.4'N +157 51.6'W
+38 30.5'N +28 17.2'W
+40 46.1'N +14 15.8'E
+10 24.8'N +51 21.9'E
(.\d+) (\d+\.\d)\'\w\s+(.\d+) (\d+\.\d)\'\w
-9    59.8    -157    58.2
+21    17.4    +157    51.6
+38    30.5    +28    17.2
+40    46.1    +14    15.8
+10    24.8    +51    21.9

Turn it in:
Go to the CS Homework Submission System: https://www.cs.csustan.edu/cshomework/
Choose: instructor Martin
              Spring 2018
Upload the files as prompted.

Before you go:
Click on the Apple in the upper left corner of the screen
Select Logout Your Name

(You can also use shift command Q on the keyboard)