Core-Competency Assignment -- see Syllabus/Grading

Second Oral Presentation Two Assignment
- (80 points.)

Your oral presentation will be on the same topic as your discussion paper. You are to use your paper as the basis for your speech. The PowerPoint Two slide show you created will be a part of your talk. The presentation will be between three and five minutes. A PC computer in the classroom will be provided for your slide show.

The following questions will be used to determine your points for this assignment:

Presentation Questions To Be Answered

1.) Did the presenter speak clearly and with sufficient volume to be heard?
2.) Did the presenter maintain good posture and make eye contact with the audience?
3.) Did the presenter use PowerPoint slides effectively by displaying relevant, error-free information?
4.) Did the presented information (both spoken and on slides) increase your understanding of the topic?
5.) Was the delivery of information smooth, confident, and interesting?

Each question will be awarded one to ten points by all members of the audience. Student points will make up 40% of your grade. Instructor points will be 60% of your grade.

If for any reason you are unable to give your presentation on either date shown it is your responsibility to notify the instructor by e-mail before 12 noon on the day of class. You will be rescheduled to the alternate date if possible. Please note that since this is Winter term all presentations must be given on January 31 or Feburary 1 and you must be present on both days to give critiques.


A 10 point deduction will be made from your final score for each 1-30 seconds you fall under or go over the required time of not less than three minutes nor more than five minutes for the presentation. No one will be allowed to exceed six minutes.

You must bring your PowerPoint Presentation to class on a floppy disk or CD-ROM on the day of your presentation if you have not confirmed that the instructor received your final slide show.

Failure to have a working presentation for your speech will be a 30 point deduction.
I suggest you bring two copies on separate disks that you have tested prior to class to insure the PPT file is readable. You should also plan on coming to class early to load your presentation onto the computer, if necessary. I will be available ten minutes before the start of class in the classroom to assist you.

By Dan L. Bratten, copied with permission