
// *********************************************************
// Header file Heap.h for the ADT heap.
// *********************************************************
const int MAX_HEAP = maximum-size-of-heap;

typedef desired-type-of-search-key keyType;
#include "Data.h" // definition of itemClass

typedef itemClass heapItemType;

class heapClass
heapClass(); // default constructor
// copy constructor and destructor are
// supplied by the compiler

// heap operations:
virtual bool HeapIsEmpty() const;
// Determines whether a heap is empty.
// Precondition: None.
// Postcondition: Returns true if the heap is empty;
// otherwise returns false.

virtual void HeapInsert(const heapItemType& NewItem,
bool& Success);
// Inserts an item into a heap.
// Precondition: NewItem is the item to be inserted.
// Postcondition: If the heap was not full, NewItem is
// in its proper position and Success is true;
// otherwise Success is false.

virtual void HeapDelete(heapItemType& RootItem,
bool& Success);
// Retrieves and deletes the item in the root of a heap.
// This item has the largest search key in the heap.
// Precondition: None.
// Postcondition: If the heap was not empty, RootItem
// is the retrieved item, the item is deleted from the
// heap, and Success is true. However, if the heap was
// empty, removal is impossible and Success is false.

void RebuildHeap(int Root);
// Converts the semiheap rooted at index Root
// into a heap.

heapItemType Items[MAX_HEAP]; // array of heap items
int Size; // number of heap items
}; // end class
// End of header file.