CS 2500 Spring 2011
Lab 7

Using the Stack ADT and Writing an Array-based Implementation

We want  to better understand the stack ADT, via an array-based implementation, and how to use it.

  1. An implementation of the stack ADT with arrays is here (StackA.h, StackA.cpp), fill in the code to implement the functions and compile it using the -c flag.
  2. Write a simple driver program to test your stack. (Description below.)


Write a simple driver program that processes arbitrary lists of commands to perform operations on a stack.

The driver must:
create a stack variable, and
fetch, echo, interpret, execute, and tell the results of each command in the input,
If we take a closer look at the job of the driver, we see it must execute a "command loop." In each pass through the loop, the program reads a one-line command from standard input, interprets the meaning of the command, echos the command to the standard output, executes the actions required by the command, and tells the results of the command. (The print command mostly just prints and does little additional "telling.")

The command loop must be written so that when it receives the stop command it prints a goodbye message and then exits.

Note that when you print the contents of the stack this has the effect of clearing the stack.

The driver reads all input from standard input, and writes all all output to standard output.  An example of some of the input:
push 25
push 3
push 9
get top
get top

For which the output might be:
The stack is empty.
push 25
25 has been added to the stack.
push 3
3 has been added to the stack.
push 9
9 has been added to the stack.
get top
The top of the stack is 9.
The top item has been removed from the stack.
get top
The top of the stack is 3.
The stack contains ...
The stack is empty.

Note: This is not intended to be a comprehensive example but merely to give you an idea of how the driver program should function.

What to Submit

Name your files:

Turn in your programs and script to the CS Homework Submission System at
             Choose instructor:  cs2500mm
             Choose course: CS2500
             Choose assignment: Lab7