


WHEREAS, sections 15.29-15.31 of the MOU mandate "Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Unit Employees"; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that every five years tenured professors, counselors and librarians be evaluated in accordance with the process outlined in the following document entitled "Post-Tenure Review"; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the policies and procedures contained therein be implemented beginning fall 2001.



Post-Tenure Review

Policies and Procedures for periodic evaluation of

tenured teaching, counselor and library faculty


1.0 Introduction

"For the purpose of maintaining and improving a tenured faculty unit employee's effectiveness, tenured faculty unit employees shall be subject to periodic performance evaluations at intervals of no greater than five (5) years" (MOU 15.29).

The principles guiding Post-Tenure Review (PTR) are these: It will be conducted according to standards that protect academic freedom and the quality of education. Post-tenure review should be flexible enough to acknowledge different expectations in different disciplines and changing expectations at different stages of a faculty member's career. Post-tenure reviews will provide faculty members with a regular opportunity to reflect upon their strengths and accomplishments during the previous five years. It will help provide feedback on performance as well as recommendations for future professional development. The process will allow for dialogue and discussion about current performance and anticipated needs the department and college may have. Essentially, the process should be viewed as collaborative in nature.

As outlined below, Post-Tenure Review (PTR) willl be decentralized to the individual departments and colleges. Faculty who undergo review will be able to respond orally, as well as in writing, to the reports of the review committees and include these responses together with the final committee report sent to the President and placed in the faculty member’s Personnel Action File (PAF).

The Post-Tenure Review process will in no way abrogate the rights of faculty for procedural protection regarding the terms and conditions of employment.

2.0 Eligibility and Review Intervals

2.1 Faculty unit employees not being considered for promotion are subject to review every five years following the awarding of tenure (CF MOU 15.29).

2.2 Faculty on sabbatical or leave of absence during the scheduled year of review shall undergo Post-Tenure Review upon return to campus.

2.3 Faculty who are participating in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) shall maintain their five-year review cycle.

3.0 Procedures

3.1 The tenured faculty unit employee under review shall compose his/her PTR Report. Said report shall consist of annual reports or a current curriculum vitae covering the previous five years of service, student evaluations of teaching performance (cf. MOU 15.29) for the years under review, and, at the option of the candidate, an elaboration highlighting his/her accomplishments during the five years under review.

3.2 The faculty member shall submit the Post-Tenure Review Report to the Departmental Post-Tenure Peer Review Committee (cf. MOU 15.29).

3.2.1 The Department’s duly elected Post-Tenure Peer Review Committee shall be comprised of either three (3) members from the department or drawn from outside the department (as per department policy) in the event that sufficient faculty of the appropriate rank are unavailable within the department, or the Chair may serve as a committee of one at the option of the faculty member under review. Members of the departmental committee shall be of equivalent rank or higher than the faculty member submitting the documentation. The committee shall be selected in a regular election conducted by the department, similar to the process used for departmental RPT committees. Department Chairs shall be responsible for facilitation of the election process. Individual departments shall monitor, document and communicate completion of post-tenure reviews, including a confidential call for faculty input. Departments may choose to use the RPT committee for this process.

3.3 The Departmental Post-Tenure Peer Review Committee shall review the faculty member’s PTR Report, note his/her accomplishments and development and draft a PTR Committee Report. Said report shall consider the areas of assigned responsibility (teaching, scholarly activity, and service), be concise, and note satisfactory performance. A tenured faculty unit employee who is participating in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) shall be evaluated only in the area of teaching unless he/she also opts to be reviewed in one or both of the remaining areas (scholarly activity and/or service). The purpose of the five-year review is to evaluate the faculty member’s professional development, note achievements, and, when appropriate, provide reasonable suggestions for

further development.

3.3.1 All faculty members under review shall have an opportunity to work with the departmental committee in a collaborative effort (cf. MOU 15.30). The tenured faculty unit employee shall be provided a copy of the Peer Review Committee’s Summary Report (cf. MOU 15.30). Before it is finalized, however, he/she shall have an opportunity to review it and provide an oral and/or written response.

3.4 The Post-Tenure Peer Review Committee Chair and the Dean shall meet with the tenured faculty unit employee to discuss the PTR report along with suggestions, if any, for his/her improvement (cf. MOU 15.30). The Dean shall draft a written Summary Report that includes the faculty member’s response to the review (cf. MOU 15.30). Except for rare and compelling reasons, the Dean’s Summary Report shall reflect the views of the Peer Review Committee as expressed in the committee’s report.

3.5 A copy of the Peer Review Committee’s Summary Report and the Dean’s Summary Report shall be placed in the tenured faculty unit employee’s Personnel Action File (PAF) (cf. MOU 15.31).

3.6 The candidate’s annual reports or curriculum vitae may be placed in

the Personnel Action File (PAF) at the discretion of the faculty unit employee (spirit of MOU 31.30).

4.0 Criteria for Evaluation

4.1 Annual reports or curriculum vitae. The faculty member’s PTR Report shall consist of annual reports or a current curriculum vitae covering the previous five years.* It shall specifically address the three fundamental areas of university life: teaching proficiency, scholarship/creative activities, and university/community service. Moreover, it shall highlight the candidate’s accomplishments and/or current areas of focus for professional development. Departmental elaborations (as appropriate) may be included to further identify the expectations of the department.

*The PTR report (annual reports or curriculum vitae) shall not exceed a total of 20 typewritten pages using 12-point type and one-inch margins.

4.2 Student evaluations. The candidate’s PTR report shall also include student evaluations of teaching performance for the preceding five years (a minimum of the 2 mandated IDEA course evaluations per academic year).

4.3 Faculty member’s elaboration (optional). The faculty member may submit an overview of his/her accomplishments during the five years under review (not to exceed 3 pages--in addition to the student evaluations and 20-page maximum specified in #4.1) and append it to the materials specified in 4.1 and 4.2 of this document.

5.0 PTR Calendar

Sept. 14 Submission of tenured faculty unit employee's Post-Tenure Review Report to Departmental Post-Tenure Peer Review Committee.

Sept. 17-27 Departmental Post-Tenure Peer Review Committee’s review of faculty member's Post-Tenure Review Report. Consultation with faculty member under review and with departmental colleagues. Collaborative effort between faculty member and Peer Review Committee on the latter's Summary Report.

Sept. 28 Submission of Departmental PTR Summary Report to faculty member.

Oct. 4 Submission of faculty member's written response, if any, to Departmental

Post-Tenure Peer Review Committee.

Oct. 5 Submission of Departmental Post-Tenure Peer Review Committee's

Summary Report and faculty member's written response, if any, to Dean.

Oct. 8-26 Collaborative meetings between faculty under review, peer review

committee chairs, and Deans.

Nov. 2 Submission of Dean's Summary Report to faculty member.

Nov. 7 Submission of faculty member's written response, if any, to Dean.

Nov. 12 Placement of Peer Committee's and Dean's Summary Reports in Personnel Action File (PAF). Also, at faculty member's option, placement of his/her written responses, if any, elaboration, if any, and annual reports or curriculum vitae in the PAF.

6.0 Implementation:

Because in many departments there is a "backlog" of faculty members eligible for Post-Tenure Review, it will be impossible to review all candidates during the program's early years and still maintain the integrity of the PTR Peer Review program. Therefore, each department will be expected to apportion the reviews so that it can catch up within a maximum of five years. The first tenured faculty members to undergo PTR shall be those who have been in rank the longest.

Each year the Office of Academic and Human Resources shall issue the PTR calendar by May 1. Upon receipt of the calendar, each department shall submit to said office the names of those faculty members who are to be reviewed during the fall term of the next academic year.