of the


Article I. NAME

The name of this organization shall be the California State University, Stanislaus Chapter of the California Faculty Association (CFA).


The purposes of this Chapter shall be to defend and promote academic freedom, tenure, due process, and shared governance; to protect and advance the professional and economic interests of the California State University, Stanislaus faculty; to promote the standards, ideals, usefulness, and welfare of the profession; and to support the goals and implement the policies of the California Faculty Association at the local level.



This chapter shall serve as the local academic professional chapter/subchapter of the State-wide California Faculty Association, the American Association of University Professors, the California State Employees Association, the California Teachers Association, and the National Education Association within the California State University, Stanislaus.

This chapter shall serve within the California State University, Stanislaus as the local chapter of the statewide California Faculty Association, and as a local liaison to the American Association of University Professors, the California Teachers Association, and the National Education Association.

The Constitution and other policy documents of the Chapter and any actions taken by the Chapter or its officers shall be in conformity with the Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and other policy documents of the State-wide statewide CFA.


The membership in this Chapter shall be all persons at this University who are members of the California Faculty Association, and who have satisfied dues requirements.

Active Membership. Any person who is employed by California State University, Stanislaus for the purpose of instruction as defined by the policies of CFA (including, but not limited to department chairpersons, librarians, counselors, coaches and other instructional faculty) shall be eligible for Active Membership in CFA. Active members shall have all the customary rights of membership, including the right to vote, to hold office, and otherwise to exercise the privileges of membership. Persons participating in faculty early retirement programs shall be classified as Active Members for the purpose of governance.

Associate Membership. CFA Active members on full leave without pay, on temporary layoff, or on layoff for reasons of financial exigency shall be reclassified to Associate Membership. Associate Members shall have the same membership rights as Active Members.

Retired Membership. Any person who is retired (except a member in a faculty early retirement program) can qualify for CFA Retired Membership if he or she was a member of CFA at the time of retirement. Retired Members may not vote or hold office at the State or Chapter level except within Councils of Retired Members, as Chapter retired member council representatives to the Chapter Executive Committee, as State Retired Council Representatives to the CFA Assembly, or as members of the Board of Directors. Retired members may exercise all other rights of membership.

Exercising Rights of Membership. Only members of CFA may exercise the customary rights of CFA membership at the Chapter and State-wide statewide level, including the right to vote in CFA elections and referenda and the right to hold office within CFA.


The Officers of this Chapter shall be a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, tenure-track faculty delegate to the CFA Assembly, lecturer faculty delegate to the CFA Assembly, and affirmative action delegate to the CFA Assembly and, if one has been elected, the alternate lecturer delegate to the CFA Assembly.

The Officers of this Chapter shall be a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, delegate at large to the CFA Assembly, lecturer faculty delegate to the CFA Assembly, and affirmative action delegate to the CFA Assembly.

Terms of Office. Each full term of office shall be two years, beginning on the last day of the Spring spring semester of even-numbered years.

Duties of Officers.

  1. President. The president shall carry out the policies of the Chapter, exercise general supervision over the activities of the Chapter, preside at meetings of the Chapter membership and the Executive Committee, serve as spokesperson for the Chapter, certify elected Chapter delegates/representatives and alternates to the State-wide statewide bodies of the CFA, serve as one of the Chapter's representatives to the CFA Assembly and as a member of the Council of Chapter Presidents.

  2. Vice President. The Vice President shall serve as a member of the Chapter's Membership Committee, assume the duties of the President in the absence or at the request of the latter, and assume additional duties as assigned by the President. The Vice President shall automatically succeed to the office of President for the balance of the unexpired term when the position of President becomes vacant.

  3. Secretary. The secretary shall keep the roll of Chapter members, keep a record of all proceedings and correspondence of the Chapter and of the Executive committee, send such notices as may be required, supervise the distribution of information to members and serve as a member of the Publication Committee.

  4. Treasurer. The treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all monies received and disbursed, prepare an annual report of finances, prepare and submit for approval an annual budget, and present a statement of Chapter finances at each general meeting of the membership and whenever requested to do so at Executive Committee meetings. The treasurer shall expend organizational funds only upon the approval of the Executive Committee. Also, the treasurer shall be bonded and shall initiate an annual audit.

  5. Tenure-Track Faculty Delegate to the CFA Assembly. The tenure-track faculty delegate shall serve as a Chapter representative to the CFA Assembly.

    Delegate at Large to the CFA Assembly. The delegate at large shall serve as a Chapter representative to the CFA Assembly, advocate for CSU Stanislaus faculty, and report to the Chapter Executive Committee on faculty issues.

  6. Lecturer Faculty Delegate to the CFA Assembly. The lecturer faculty delegate shall serve as a Chapter representative to the CFA Assembly, advocate for CSU Stanislaus lecturers, report to the Chapter Executive Committee on lecturer issues, and represent CSU Stanislaus on the statewide CFA Lecturers' Council.

    Alternate Lecturer Faculty Delegate to the CFA Assembly. The alternate lecturer faculty delegate shall advocate for CSU Stanislaus lecturers, report to the Chapter Executive Committee on lecturer issues, and represent CSU Stanislaus on the statewide CFA Lecturers' Council.

  7. Affirmative Action Delegate to the CFA Assembly. The affirmative action delegate shall serve as a Chapter representative to the CFA Assembly and as a member of the Affirmative Action Council.

    The affirmative action delegate shall serve as a Chapter representative to the CFA Assembly, advocate for CSU Stanislaus campus affirmative action, report to the Chapter Executive Committee on affirmative action issues, and represent CSU Stanislaus on the statewide CFA Affirmative Action Council.


This Chapter shall be governed by general meetings of the membership. An action of the membership in regular or special meetings shall take precedence over actions of the Executive Committee. In order to facilitate the transaction of Chapter business, the Executive Committee shall be empowered to take action on behalf of, but remain subject to the instruction of the membership. Similarly, the President shall be empowered to act on behalf of, but remain subject to the instruction of the Executive Committee and membership.


Regular membership meetings of the Chapter shall be held not less than twice each year, as determined by the Executive Committee. Special meetings may be called by the President. The President shall call a special meeting when so directed by petition of at least fifteen percent of the Chapter membership. A meeting shall be held within three weeks of receiving such a petition.

Notice: Written notice of each Chapter meeting shall be sent to each Chapter member no less than one week in advance of the date selected for the meeting. Notice shall include time, place, and purposes of the meeting.

Quorum: Ten percent of the total Chapter membership, but not fewer than ten members, shall constitute a quorum.

Mail Ballot: The Executive Committee is empowered to conduct a mail ballot when it is deemed necessary.


Executive Committee

  1. Membership: The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, the elected Chapter delegates to the CFA Assembly, the alternate lecturer delegate (if one has been elected), and the immediate past-President.

    Membership: The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, the elected Chapter Delegates to the CFA Assembly, the elected Alternate Chapter Delegates to the CFA Assembly, and the immediate past-President.

  2. Quorum. A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.

  3. Duties. The Executive Committee shall be vested with the authority to conduct the business of the Chapter, subject to the policies of the CFA and the instructions of the membership. In addition, the Executive Committee shall:
    1. be responsible for the Chapter's continuing and effective presence on campus and for implementing efforts to promote CFA goals;
    2. schedule, and prepare agenda for general meetings of the Chapter membership;
    3. make temporary appointments to fill vacant Executive Committee positions (except President and immediate past-President) until new elections have been held to fill the positions for the unexpired terms of office;
    4. appoint delegates to the CFA Assembly when the elected delegate or alternate are unable to attend a meeting;
    5. make appointments to all standing and ad hoc committees of the Chapter; and
    6. exercise prudent fiscal responsibility in approving the expenditure of Chapter funds.

Elections Committee

  1. Membership and Selection. Each Fall fall, at a general meeting of the Chapter membership, the presiding officer shall supervise the election of an Elections Committee, comprised of three members. The chairperson of the Committee shall be determined from and by the elected members. Elections Committee members shall not be eligible for nomination for elective office. Vacancies on the Committee due to resignation or disqualification shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee. Members of the Elections Committee shall continue to serve until a new Committee has been selected.
  2. Duties. The Elections Committee shall nominate, and solicit from the membership nominations of, candidates for elective offices. The Committee shall conduct all Chapter elections, including constitutional amendments and other Chapter referenda.

Membership Committee

  1. Membership. The Membership Committee shall consist of the Vice President and at least two other members to be appointed by the Executive Committee. The Vice President shall serve as the chairperson for the Committee. The terms of office of appointed members shall be two years and staggered.
  2. Duties. The Committee shall actively recruit new members, serve as a liaison between the Chapter leadership and the membership, and be responsible for coordinating the CFA membership benefits program on campus.

Publications Committee

  1. Membership. The Publications Committee shall consist of the Secretary, the elected Chapter Delegates to the CFA Assembly, and at least two other members to be appointed by the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall serve as chairperson for the Committee. The terms of office of appointed members shall be two years and staggered.
  2. Duties. The Committee shall be responsible for keeping the campus informed of State-wide statewide and local CFA activities and issues through appropriate Chapter publications and distribution of CFA informational materials.

Professional Rights Committee

  1. Membership. The Professional Rights Committee shall consist of four members, appointed by the Executive Committee. The chairperson for the Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. The terms of office shall be two years and staggered.
  2. Duties. The Committee shall counsel faculty on grievance matters, receive notices of intent to grieve, and assist grievants throughout the grievance process. In addition, the Committee shall monitor and maintain records on campus policies concerning the recruitment, retention, tenure, and promotion of faculty, and other personnel matters.

Political Action Committee

  1. Membership. The Political Action Committee shall consist of the Treasurer and four members appointed by the Executive Committee. The chairperson for the Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. The terms of office shall be two years, and staggered.
  2. Duties. This committee shall handle all PAC activities of the Chapter. It shall create grass-roots support for legislation and candidates endorsed by CFA, make recommendations concerning the expenditure of PAC funds, and disseminate to the membership information on candidates, potential legislation, and/or legislative bills. In all activities it shall work closely with the Publications Committee.

Special Services Committee

  1. Membership. The Special Services Committee shall consist of at least three members. One member shall be an appointed representative of the Chapter Retired Membership, and at least two shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. The chairperson for the Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. The terms of office shall be two years.
  2. Duties. This committee shall concern itself with providing information to the Chapter membership regarding insurance benefits, medical and legal services and like special services available through the Chapter, State and National affiliates. Also, the committee shall address equitable application of legislation concerning retirement and shall support efforts to improve the retirement system. The committee shall counsel faculty who desire information and assistance.

Other Standing and Ad Hoc Committees. Other standing and ad hoc committees shall be established as necessary to promote the goals and welfare of the Chapter. Such committees shall consist of at least three members appointed by the Executive Committee. The terms of office of standing committee members shall be two years, unless designated otherwise by the Executive Committee. Members of ad hoc committees shall serve such terms as are deemed appropriate in each case.

Committee Membership Vacancies. Replacements for vacated committee positions shall be chosen by the same process as for initial selection.

Committee Chairs. All standing and ad hoc committees shall elect their own chairperson, except for those standing committees specified in this Constitution.

Confirmation of Committee Members. All appointed members of standing and ad hoc committees shall be confirmed by the Chapter membership at a general membership meeting.


In addition to the Chapter President, the Chapter shall be represented at the CFA Assembly by an elected campus delegate of the tenure-track faculty at large, an elected campus delegate of the lecturer faculty, and an elected affirmative action delegate.

Delegates and alternates shall be elected according to the procedures described in Article X.

Term of Office. The term of office of the elected campus delegates and alternates shall be two years.

Duties of Delegates. The elected campus delegates shall attend all meetings of the CFA Assembly, report to the Chapter membership about the Assembly's actions and proceedings, and serve as members of the Publications Committee.

Duties of Alternates. Each respective alternate shall attend meetings of the CFA Assembly whenever the elected representative is unable to attend and report outcomes to the Executive Committee. Additionally,


Voting Rights. All members of the Chapter shall have the right to vote in general Chapter elections. In elections for tenure-track faculty delegate and lecturer faculty delegate to the General Assembly, only those members who belong to the appropriate faculty group within the bargaining unit have the right to vote.

All members of the Chapter shall have the right to vote in general Chapter elections. In elections for lecturer faculty delegate to the General Assembly and alternate lecturer faculty delegate, only lecturer faculty shall have the right to vote.

Timing. Annual elections shall be conducted during the months of March and April. Special elections shall be held as soon as practicable after an office has become vacant.

Nominations and Notification. After soliciting nomination suggestions from the Executive Committee and the Chapter membership, the Elections Committee shall develop a slate of nominees for all chapter officer and alternate delegate positions, containing preferably two names for each position. No person shall be a candidate simultaneously for more than one elective office. Additional nominations may be submitted by petition, signed by at least ten members of the Chapter. Such petitions must be received by the Elections Committee by the deadline established by the Committee. The Elections Committee shall notify all members of the Chapter of its nominees at least seven working days prior to balloting.

Balloting. All elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. The Elections Committee shall prepare, distribute, receive, and count ballots and announce and certify the results. For each office, a ballot shall contain entries for the nominees and space for a write-in candidate. Provisions may be made for attaching brief biographical sketches and statements by the candidates to the ballots. Ballots shall be distributed at least seven days before the ballot return deadline. A majority of the votes cast shall be required to win.

Vacancy of the Office of President. When the position of President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall automatically succeed to that position and complete the term of office of President. A new Vice President shall be elected at the earliest opportunity.

Recall. All members of the Executive Committee are subject to recall.

  1. A two-thirds vote by the members at a regularly-scheduled meeting, or a petition signed by twenty percent of the members of the Chapter, shall cause a recall election to be conducted within one month.
  2. Upon a sixty percent vote of the Chapter members casting ballots, the person shall be recalled and shall vacate his or her position on the Executive Committee.

Election of Delegates and Alternates to the CFA Assembly. Delegates and alternates to the CFA Assembly shall be elected by the same procedures as apply to elections of Chapter officers. CFA Delegates and Alternates shall serve for a two-year term.



Initiation. Constitutional amendments shall be initiated either by petition from any ten members of the Chapter or by the Executive Committee.

Approval. Notice setting forth each proposed amendment, with reasons thereof, shall be sent to each member at least fourteen days prior to distribution of the ballots. At least seven days shall be allowed for the return of ballots. Approval by two-thirds of the membership responding to the secret ballot shall constitute approval by the Chapter. After approval by the Chapter, amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted to the State-wide CFA Board of Directors. Approval by the Board is required before a constitutional amendment becomes effective.

Prior to a vote by the Chapter, proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted to the statewide CFA Board of Directors. Approval by the Board is required before a constitutional amendment becomes effective. After Board approval, notice setting forth each proposed amendment, with reasons thereof, shall be sent to each member at least fourteen days prior to distribution of the ballots. At least seven days shall be allowed for the return of ballots. Approval by two-thirds of the membership responding to the secret ballot shall constitute approval by the Chapter.

Amendment by the Assembly. Substantive amendments to the Constitution may be made by the CFA Assembly in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws of the CFA, to bring this constitution into harmony with the provisions of the bylaws of the CFA.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution or with any special rules of order adopted by the Chapter.



This Constitution shall be ratified by a majority vote of the campus CFA members responding to a secret ballot. All members shall be sent a notice of the election at least fourteen days in advance of ballot distribution. At least seven days shall be allowed for the return of ballots. The election shall be supervised by the Chapter Executive Committee and conducted by the Elections Committee.



This Chapter Constitution shall become effective on December 31, 1988.



Amendments to this Constitution have been approved, in accordance with Article XI, on the following dates:

March 11, 2006: "Amendment by Assembly"