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( Latest Revision -- Apr 01, 2014 )

Study Problems for CS 4440

Working these problems could make a big difference in how you perform on tests.

Directions for Submission of Work on The Problems

Answer the questions as best you can in the time you have. Explain and justify your statements. Show your mastery of the material when you can. Make answers thoughtful and complete. Give proofs for statements unless they are obviously true. Tell what you know and admit what you do not know.

Put things into your own words. Do not copy, quote, or closely paraphrase the textbook or other people's writings.

Write so as to be understandable to a certain intended readership -- an intelligent person who has completed the prerequisites for CS 4440 but who has not yet taken CS 4440.

You will need to keep an extra copy of everything you turn in. Your notes on problems will typically be due on the class day just prior to a test day. You probably won't get them back from me until after the test.

Form and Format

Send e-mail to: john@ishi.csustan.edu

Problem Assignment #1

Chapter #01 -- Representative Problems Chapter #04 -- Greedy Algorithms Chapter #05 -- Divide and Conquer

Problem Assignment #2

Chapter #06 -- Dynamic Programming Chapter #07 -- Network Flow