Kruskal's Algorithm
for Finding a Minimum-Cost Spanning Tree
of a
Connected Undirected Graph

 /* The following algorithm is written in C-like pseudo code */ 

setOfEdges Kruskal ( graph G )
    /* initialization */
   sort the edge set, E, of G by increasing length ;
   n = the number of nodes in the node set, N, of G
   T = empty set ; /* will contain the edges of the spanning tree */
   initialize n sets, each containing a different element of N;
       /* greedy loop */
     e = the shortest edge, {u,v}, not yet considered ;
     ucomp = Find(u) ; /* locate the set containing u */
     vcomp = Find(v) ; /* locate the set containing v */
     if (ucomp != vcomp)
        Union(ucomp, vcomp) ; /* merge into one set. */
        T = T union {e} ;
   } while (T contains fewer than n-1 edges) ;

   return T ;