Function to Make A List of Pseudo-Random Numbers

        FUNCTION:       makelist

        PURPOSE:        Produces a specified number (how_many)
                        of random integers between low and
                        high, writes the number of random
                        integers to the output file, and writes
                        the random integers out to the file.

        CALLING SEQUENCE (include these parameters when
                         executing the program, in the order

                        how_many  low  high  outputFileName

       EXAMPLE:        a.out 100 10 999 my_data

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        FILE  *outfile;               /* output file */
        int   how_many=atoi(argv[1]), /* how many random numbers to generate */
              low=atoi(argv[2]),      /* lowest possible value */
              high=atoi(argv[3]),     /* highest possible value */
              i;                      /* control variable */

        /* open output file */
        if((outfile = fopen(argv[4],"w")) == NULL)
                printf("Cannot open output file, %s\n",argv[4]);

        /* produce random numbers and print to outfile */
                fprintf(outfile,"%d\n", (low+
  return 0 ;