How To Allocate A Dynamic Table (2D Array) With C++

#include <iostream.h>

int main ()

  int numRows, numCols, rowNum, colNum ;
  cout << "Enter the number of rows: " ;
  cin >> numRows ;

  cout << "Enter the number of cols: " ;
  cin >> numCols ;

  typedef int *iPtr   ;  //iPtr is pointer to int

     // A is an array of pointers to int
     // The name of the array is equivalent to a pointer 
     // to the first element of the array -- thus A is a pointer
     // to a pointer to an int.

  int ** A = new iPtr[numRows] ; 
        // Allocate an array of ints for each of the elements
	// of A to point to.

  for (rowNum=0; rowNum<numRows; rowNum++) 
         A[rowNum] = new int[numCols] ;

       // Now A is a (numRows) X (numCols) array of ints.
       // We intitilize and print the entries to illustrate this.

       // Set each entry equal to the product of the indices

  for (rowNum=0; rowNum<numRows; rowNum++)
       for (colNum=0; colNum<numCols; colNum++) 
         A[rowNum][colNum] = rowNum*colNum ;

      // Print each entry -- row by row and col by col

  for (rowNum=0; rowNum<numRows; rowNum++)
       for (colNum=0; colNum<numCols; colNum++) 
         cout << A[rowNum][colNum] << "\t" ;
       cout << endl ; 

  return 0 ;
