(Latest Revision -- December 3, 2018)
[2018/12/03: Initial Revisions]

Text Requirements
for Operating Systems I: CS 3750

"An elephant is a mouse with an operating system."
TERM: Spring 2019

🍐 20562 CS 3750 003 Operating Systems I Lec 3.0 MW 13:00-13:50 P-166 
🍐 20563 CS 3750 004 Operating Systems I Lab 0.0  F 13:00-13:50 P-166

🍇 20560 CS 3750 001 Operating Systems I Lec 3.0 MW 14:00-14:50 C-113 
🍇 20561 CS 3750 002 Operating Systems I Lab 0.0  F 14:00-14:50 C-113
INSTRUCTOR: John Sarraille, Professor of Computer Science


"Silberschatz E-Book 10e": Operating Systems Concepts, Enhanced eText 10th Edition; written by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, and Greg Gagne; published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc; ISBN-13: 978-1-119-32091-3; Date: Apr 2018


"Silberschatz Paperback 10e": Operating System Concepts 10th Edition Abridged Print Companion ; written by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, and Greg Gagne; published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc; ISBN-13: 978-1-119-43925-7; Date: Jan 2018

Get one or the other of the two texts listed above. If you want to get both, that's OK, but you are only required to get one or the other. The campus bookstore should have copies of the Silberschatz paperback 10e, and should also have a version of the Silberschatz E-Book 10e that "runs through the YUZU platform." If you buy the E-Book, feel free to get a version that runs on whatever platform you want. For example, Amazon sells a Kindle version, there's a Google Play version, and the version sold by the publisher, Wiley, on the wiley.com website (see the link to the E-book above) runs on a group of free apps called VitalSource Bookshelf. There are VitalSource Bookshelf apps for most PC and mobile-device operating systems.

Finally, be careful to take note of this fact: It is the 10th edition that is the required text now. If you use a different edition, I can't guarantee that you won't have problems with things missing from your text, or incorrect.


Peek: Learning the Unix Operating System (5th edition); by Jerry Peek, Grace Todino-Gonguet and John Strang; published by O'Reilly and Associates, 2001; ISBN 9780596002619