(Version Date: Sun Nov 10 18:56 PST 2013)

Concurrent Bubble Sort Assignment

  1. For a refresher on using function calls from the Pthreads facility on the CS Lab Mac computers, and for examples of how to use the queuing semaphores implemented by the sem.cpp and sem.h files, read the file HiHo.cpp (actually HiHo.cpp.html) in the class ThreadInfo directory. If you don't have them yet, make copies of ThreadInfo/sem.cpp and ThreadInfo/sem.h for use with the source code you write to solve the problem I am giving you in this assignment. Do not modify your sem.cpp or sem.h files. I am going to use my own original copies of sem.h and sem.cpp to compile your program, and everything is required to work that way, on one of the CS Lab Mac computers. Let me know if you have any questions about the basics of Pthreads or my implementation of counting semaphores.

  2. Working alone or in a team of two, according to your preference, use the queuing semaphores to implement a "parallel bubble sort" program that reads a list of 32 integers from standard input, puts the integers into an array, sorts them, and writes the sorted array to standard output.

    Your program must provide for as much parallel processing as possible. In other words, all work that *can* go on in parallel must be *allowed* to go on in parallel. Your program must not "force" tasks to proceed serially if they do not need, for correctness, to proceed serially.

    The main thread (the mother) must spawn 31 "child" threads to do interchanges (swaps). The way you must implement the algorithm, thread #i must perform the swaps between cell #i-1 and cell #i in the array. What does that mean? For example, thread #4 is responsible for doing any needed swaps between cell 3 and cell 4 of the array.

    Each cell must be protected with a semaphore, so that access to each cell is mutually exclusive. You must not allow more than one thread at a time to access any of the cells of the array. Under these conditions, if you code correctly, it will be possible for up to 16 swaps to be happening simultaneously, if that many processors are available on the computer running the program.

    Your program may designate one thread (it can be the mother) to check to determine when the sorting has been finished, and to print out the sorted list. If you can figure out a way to make the threads do the checking more symmetrically, you may code up your solution that way instead. All threads must be synchronized appropriately to insure correct operation, mutual exclusion, progress, and bounded waiting. The mother task must not exit until after the list has been sorted and printed. (However, you don't have to guarantee that the mother waits for all the child threads to exit first before she exits.)

    You must use this program shell as a starter. Just add some code to it to make it work correctly, and to conform to the constraints explained above.

  3. At the beginning of class on the due date, place in front of me a printout of your completed bubble.cpp file. Together, bubble.cpp, sem.h, and sem.cpp must comprise a complete, compilable, source listing of a solution to the problem. The code you write must be neat, well-formatted, highly readable, and suitably documented. DO NOT give me copies of sem.h or sem.cpp, since I have my own copies, and I don't need or want yours. If you work with a partner, make sure both of your names are on the printout.

  4. Before midnight on the due date, e-mail me a shell archive (shar) file, containing a copy of your bubble.cpp file, together with one or more test scripts showing that the program worked on one of the CS Lab Mac computers.

    DO NOT send me anything as an attachment. I never accept attachments from students.

    Include only the files I asked for above, nothing else. DO NOT include sem.h, sem.cpp, or the Makefile. I have my own copies of those, and I don't need or want your copies. DO NOT try to include any compiled code in the shar file (for heaven's sake!).

    Use this subject line: "CS3750ProgTwo"

    Send the shar file inline with your e-mail message. From one of the CS Lab Macs, you can use a command like this:

    mail -s "CS3750ProgTwo" john@ishi.csustan.edu < myFiles.shar

    My e-mail address is: john@ishi.csustan.edu. I will compile the program you send me on one of the CS Lab Macs, with my own copies of sem.h and sem.cpp. Your program is required to work (correctly) under those testing conditions.

  5. Beware: since some errors in concurrent programs are timing-dependent, you will need to think of some novel ways to test your program. The file HiHo.cpp illustrates this. I will compile and run your program as a part of my grading procedure. I may vary the timing of the threads by inserting code in your program. The code will delay threads for random or non-random amounts of time. If this "breaks" your code, it means your code is not a correct solution to the problem. You may ask for more details on this subject in class.

  6. Read the Problem Scenario below at the end of this file, to get a feel for why synchronization is needed when several child threads share the work of sorting an array.

  7. Also read the file Discussion of a Parallel Bubble Sort to get an appreciation of what can go wrong if a thread checks to see if an array is sorted at the same time that other threads are still working on sorting the array.

Problem Scenario:

   0     1     2
|     |     |     |
|  7  |  6  |  5  |
|     |     |     |     
        C1    C2

|     | 
|  6  | C1's saved copy of the contents of slot #1.
|     | 
The array now looks like this:

   0     1     2
|     |     |     |
|  7  |  5  |  6  |
|     |     |     |     
        C1    C2
Next, C1 finishes its swap of slot #0 and slot #1 by doing the following operations: Now the array looks like this:
   0     1     2
|     |     |     |
|  6  |  7  |  6  |
|     |     |     |     
        C1    C2
We see that two threads each tried to swap a pair of items in the array. The result was that one of the items in the array disappeared and one item was duplicated.

This shows that the results of a concurrent bubble sort will not necessarily be correct unless we synchronize the threads somehow.


For the program due date, see the class schedule.