(Last revision 11/12/2002)

CS 3750 SECOND C++ Concurrent Programming Assignment (prog #2)

  1. This assignment is much like the previous one. The difference is that now, in the spaces between two trivets, there are TWO diners (sitting opposite each other) instead of just one. The layout is like this:
                            diner        diner
                              1            3
    (NORTH) Server   T               T              T    Busser (SOUTH)
                            diner        diner          
                              0            2
    (The T's in the diagram are trivets.)

  2. Make a copy of the foodPass2.cpp program. Read the program header comments in order to figure out what the requirements of a solution are.

  3. Insert declarations and instructions into a copy of the program so that it properly performs the required job.

    You may use (only) ordinary variables and queuing semaphores as implemented by sem.cpp and sem.h to achieve the synchronization of threads.

Errors in concurrent programs tend to be intermittant. They tend to be manifested only under certain timings of events. The random delays in the program will tend to make the timing of events change considerably each time the program is executed. If you run the program several times and check the output you are more likely to find out about possible errors than if you just run the program one time and check the output.

For this assignment, you may work in teams of two (2) people. If you work in a team, make sure that both names are in your comments!

More Discussion of the Assignment

When you think about doing this assignment, assume that the program will execute on a (tightly coupled) multiprocessor. That means all the threads (the server, busser, and all the diners) could run simultaneously on separate CPU's. While this may or may not actually be true, it will help you write code that will work on *any* computing system on which multiple threads can execute concurrently while sharing variables.

A tightly-coupled multiprocessing system can be diagrammed this way:
  CPU     CPU     CPU      CPU     CPU     CPU   CPU    MEMORY
    |       |       |        |       |       |     |    |
 ------------------------------------------------------------ BUS
       |      |       |     |     |     |     |     |     |
     CPU    CPU     CPU   CPU   CPU   CPU   CPU   CPU   CPU
Here we have a RAM memory being shared over a common bus by several CPU's. It is possible that the different CPU's have radically different speeds. Speed can be affected by the inherent power of the CPU, or by the current load on the CPU. Besides that, it is impossible to tell which CPU will be assigned to which thread. And also, each time we run the program, the assignment can be different.

In your program, the mother process creates child threads to be the diners and the food server. Then the mother thread plays the role of the busser. The mother does nothing to direct the server and diners after she creates them.

In general it is a bad idea to create "traffic cop" threads, because the traffic cop too often becomes a bottleneck. When every action has to be approved by a master, events can only happen as fast as the master can approve them. This would defeat the purpose of parallel processing.

The general rules for submitting assignments by e-mail are:
Here is what you have to turn in:
Note that there are no spaces in the subject lines given above. It is important that you do not insert any spaces. My e-mail address is: john@ishi.csustan.edu.


For due dates, see the class schedule.