CS 3750 GRADES -- FALL 2001


Your student ID number is probably your social security number.

Your course grade is on the far right of the display below. In the final reckoning:
  1. I computed your "HW AVG" by dropping your lowest homework score and computing the average of the remainder.
  2. "Prog AVG" and "Quiz AVG" are just straight averages of your programs and quizzes.
  3. I computed the "Grand AVG" by giving a 0 to anyone with failing exam or program scores, and otherwise using the formula: Grand AVG = 0.35*(Prog AVG) + 0.45*(Quiz AVG) + 0.20*(HW AVG).
  4. In case the formula above caused your grade to be lowered by your homework performance, I also computed "45-55 rule" = 0.45*(Prog AVG) + 0.55*(Quiz AVG).
  5. Your "Course Grade" is the maximum of "Grand AVG" and "45-55 rule."

I figure letter grades using this table:
     if your numerical grade is 90.5 or more then your letter grade is A ;
else if your numerical grade is 80.5 or more then your letter grade is B ;
else if your numerical grade is 70.5 or more then your letter grade is C ;
else if your numerical grade is 60.5 or more then your letter grade is D ;
else your letter grade is F. 

If you see anything wrong with what is here, let me know.

        CS 3750 Grades -- by code -- Fall 2001  

Code    Grand   Prog    Quiz    HW      HW #1   HW #2   HW #3   HW #4   Ex #1   Ex #2   Ex #3   Make-up Prog #1 Prog #2 Grand   45-55   Course  Letter  Code
Number  AVG     AVG     AVG     AVG             curved  curved  curved  curved  curved  curved  Final   curved  curved  AVG     rule    Grade   Grade   Number
                                curved                                                                                  #1      #2      Max(#1,#2)              
0303    71.2    99.5    72.9    17.8    0       0       53      0       65      63      73      81      100     99      71.2    84.9    84.9    B       0303
0971    91.6    97.0    87.4    91.4    0       100     97      78      100     91      72              95      99      91.6    91.7    91.7    A       0971
0986    87.8    100.0   79.2    85.7    33      100     93      64      75      72      91              100     100     87.8    88.6    88.6    B       0986
2927    80.2    95.0    65.4    87.9    50      100     77      87      64      32      76      56      90      100     80.2    78.7    80.2    C       2927
3197    95.9    100.0   92.9    95.6    100     100     87      79      85      95      98              100     100     95.9    96.1    96.1    A       3197
4176    78.7    92.5    62.0    92.3    79      100     97      80      72      53      61              95      90      78.7    75.7    78.7    C       4176
7871    85.5    92.5    77.2    91.7    75      100     97      78      80      73      79              95      90      85.5    84.1    85.5    B       7871
8826    62.8    61.0    60.8    70.2    33      100     43      67      77      37      66      40      61      61      62.8    60.9    62.8    D       8826
9857    74.0    80.5    63.8    85.6    83      100     73      0       71      64      0       56      61      100     74.0    71.3    74.0    C       9857