CS 3750 GRADES -- FALL 2000


Your student ID number is probably your social security number.

The Exam #2 grades were computed by the following formula: Let K be the average percentage on the best 6 out of 8. Let M be the percentage of points earned plus 15. Your score is the average of K and M.

        CS 3750 Grades -- by code -- Fall 2000  
Code	Grand	Prog	Quiz	HW	HW #1	HW #2	HW #3	HW #4	HW #5	HW #6	HW #7	Ex #1	Ex #2	Ex #3	Prog #1	Prog #2	Course
Number	AVG	AVG	AVG	AVG	curved	curved	curved	curved	curved	curved	curved	curved	curved	curved			Grade
0029	68.97	77.50	64.7	63.7	0.0	59.2	31.3	82.5	69.7			67.8	65.6	60.7	80	75	D
1149	83.20	87.50	78.6	86.0	87.5	83.3	81.3	80.0	74.2			88.3	70.5	77.0	100	75	B
2521	88.56	92.50	83.8	92.5	100.0	91.7	87.5	78.8	59.1			86.5	87.2	77.6	85	100	B
2598	83.22	86.00	74.8	97.2	100.0	100.0	65.6	95.0	81.8			75.8	80.9	67.9	97	75	B
2611	76.61	75.00	74.6	84.0	95.8	59.2	0.0	88.8	80.3			77.3	68.9	77.6	100	50	C
2630	0.00	0.00	42.1	22.8	79.2	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0			0.0	77.4	49.0	0	0	NC
4223	76.35	77.50	69.0	90.9	91.7	79.2	93.8	80.0	86.4			76.3	68.4	62.2	80	75	C
4890	86.77	92.50	78.0	96.4	95.8	95.8	84.4	97.5	80.3			67.3	83.7	83.2	85	100	B
8339	91.96	97.50	84.6	98.9	100.0	95.8	87.5	93.8	93.9			83.8	86.8	83.2	95	100	A
8569	78.53	75.00	72.4	98.4	100.0	95.8	50.0	95.0	90.9			76.3	64.0	77.0	75	75	C
9999	75.36	85.00	70.6	69.3	100.0	0.0	0.0	85.0	80.3			78.3	68.1	65.3	95	75	C