john@alcyone: a.out Enter Filename: ord50 File Name: ord50 File Comment: This is an ordered list of 50 numbers. selection sort starting ... done insertion sort starting ... done quick sort starting ... done merge sort starting ... done Here are the results of the sorts: compares moves selection sort 1225 147 insertion sort 49 98 quick sort 1225 196 merge sort 153 572 Would you like to continue, (y/n): y Enter Filename: ran1000 File Name: ran1000 File Comment: This is a random list of 1000 numbers. selection sort starting ... done insertion sort starting ... done quick sort starting ... done merge sort starting ... done Here are the results of the sorts: compares moves selection sort 499500 2997 insertion sort 252986 253988 quick sort 11725 19199 merge sort 8710 19952 Would you like to continue, (y/n): n john@alcyone: