function MakeChange (int n) 
  /* Makes change for n units using the minimal number of coins */
  const CoinSet = {1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100}
  SolutionSet = empty set ;
  sum = 0 ;
  while (sum < n) do
    coin = largest coin in CoinSet such that sum + value(coin) <= n ;
    if there is no such coin then return "no solution found"
    SolutionSet = SolutionSet + {coin} ;
    sum += value(coin) ;
  return SolutionSet ;

The algorithm above works fine. It is a greedy algorithm.

Consider the (old) English coinage which included half-crowns (30 pence), florins (24 pence), shillings (12 pence), sixpence (6 pence), threepences (3 pence) and pennies (not to mention ha'pennies (1/2 pence) and farthings (1/4 pence). With these coins an algorithm such as the one above does *not* always produce an optimal solution. (For example, suppose you need to give someone 48 pence.)