PSEUDO-CODE FILE: primeAlgs.html

   Pseudo-Code for two functions that can be used to find a prime table size
   for hashing.

    Return TRUE if numberToTest is a prime, else return FALSE.
bool isPrime (int numberToTest) 
  initialize noDivisorFound to TRUE
  limit = square root of numberToTest
  intialize trialDivisor to 2 
   while ( noDivisorFound AND  (trialDivisor <= limit) )
      if   (numberToTest is evenly divisible by trialDivisor)
           set noDivisorFound to FALSE
      else add 1 to trialDivisor
   return noDivisorFound

   Return the first prime number not less than startVal
   (If startVal is prime, this returns startVal.)
int firstPrime(int startVal)
  initialize candidate to startVal ;
  while (candidate is not prime) add 1 to candidate ;
  return candidate ;