SOURCE FILE: ballCls.h

const int MAX_STRING = 15;

class ballClass: public sphereClass
// constructors:

   ballClass(double InitialRadius, 
             const char InitialName[]);
   // Creates a ball with radius InitialRadius and 
   // name InitialName.

   // copy constructor and destructor supplied
   // by the compiler

// additional or revised operations:
   void GetName(char CurrentName[]) const;
   // Determines the name of a ball.

   void SetName(const char NewName[]);
   // Sets (alters) the name of an existing ball.

   void ResetBall(double NewRadius, 
                  const char NewName[]);
   // Sets (alters) the radius and name of an existing
   // ball to NewRadius and NewName, respectively.

   void DisplayStatistics() const;
   // Displays the statistics of a ball.

   char TheName[MAX_STRING+1];  // the ball's name
};  // end class