(Latest Revision: Thu Oct 26 15:16:44 PDT 2000)


// *********************************************************
// Header file ListT.h for the ADT list.
// Pointer-based implementation -- TEMPLATE VERSION
// *********************************************************
#ifndef my_LISTT_H 
#define my_LISTT_H 

#include <iostream.h>

        /* Note that the "T" referred to in both statements below
	   is the same thing.  The syntax does not allow you to
	   use the same symbol "T" to refer to two different data
	   types.  "listNode" is a struct that contains "a T" in
	   one of its fields.  "listClass" is a class of lists in
	   which we can store objects of type "T."  */

template <class T> struct listNode;  // defined in ListT.cpp

template <class T> 
class listClass
// constructors and destructor:

         /* Note that you have to add the "<T>" when using
	    the name "listClass" as the type of a parameter in a
	    function declaration.  However you do not use it in
 	    the name of a constructor or destructor. */

   listClass(const listClass<T>& L);
   virtual void MakeListEmpty() ;
   virtual ~listClass();

// list operations:
   virtual bool ListIsEmpty() const;
   virtual int ListLength() const;
   virtual listClass<T>& operator= (const listClass<T>& Rhs) ;

   virtual void ListInsert(int NewPosition,  T NewItem,
                           bool& Success);
   virtual void ListDelete(int Position, bool& Success);
   virtual void ListRetrieve(int Position, T& DataItem,
                             bool& Success) const;

   int          Size;
   listNode<T>* Head;

   listNode<T>* PtrTo(int Position) const;
   virtual void CopyListNodes(const listClass<T> & L) ;
};  // end class

#include "ListT.cpp"           // include the implementation file

// End of header file.