// *********************************************************
// Header file BST.h for the ADT binary search tree.
// Assumption: A tree contains at most one item with a given
//             search key at any time.
// *********************************************************
#ifndef my_BST_H
#define my_BST_H

#include <string> // definition of intended key type
#include <iostream>

   /* You need to do something to determine the data type of the    
      items that will be stored in the tree */
#include "Data.h"  // definition of itemClass

using namespace std ;
      // You have to 'fix' this.
//typedef desired-type-of-search-key keyType;

typedef string keyType;

typedef itemClass treeItemType;

typedef void (*functionType)(treeItemType& AnItem);

struct treeNode;  // defined in implementation file
typedef treeNode* ptrType;  // pointer to node

class bstClass
// constructors and destructor:
   bstClass();                      // default constructor
   bstClass(const bstClass& Tree);  // copy constructor
   virtual ~bstClass();             // destructor

// binary search tree operations:
// Precondition for all methods: No two items in a binary
// search tree have the same search key.

   virtual bool SearchTreeIsEmpty() const;
   // Determines whether a binary search tree is empty.
   // Postcondition: Returns true if the tree is empty;
   // otherwise returns false.

   virtual void SearchTreeInsert(const treeItemType& NewItem,
                                 bool& Success);
   // Inserts an item into a binary search tree.
   // Precondition: The item to be inserted into the tree
   // is NewItem.
   // Postcondition: If the insertion was successful,
   // NewItem is in its proper order in the tree and
   // Success is true. Otherwise, the tree is unchanged and
   // Success is false.

   virtual void SearchTreeDelete(keyType SearchKey,
                                 bool& Success);
   // Deletes an item with a given search key from a binary
   // search tree.
   // Precondition: SearchKey is the search key of the item
   // to be deleted.
   // Postcondition: If the item whose search key equals
   // SearchKey existed in the tree, the item is deleted and
   // Success is true. Otherwise, the tree is unchanged and
   // Success is false.

   virtual void SearchTreeRetrieve(keyType SearchKey,
                                   treeItemType& TreeItem,
                                   bool& Success) const;
   // Retrieves an item with a given search key from a
   // binary search tree.
   // Precondition: SearchKey is the search key of the item
   // to be retrieved.
   // Postcondition: If the retrieval was successful,
   // TreeItem contains the retrieved item and Success is
   // true. If no such item exists, TreeItem and the tree
   // are unchanged and Success is false.

   virtual void PreorderTraverse(functionType Visit);
   // Traverses a binary search tree in preorder,
   // calling function Visit once for each item.
   // Precondition: The function represented by Visit
   // exists outside of the class implementation.
   // Postcondition: Visit's action occurred once for each
   // item in the tree.
   // Note: Visit can alter the tree.

   virtual void InorderTraverse(functionType Visit);
   // Traverses a binary search tree in sorted order,
   // calling function Visit once for each item.

   virtual void PostorderTraverse(functionType Visit);
   // Traverses a binary search tree in postorder,
   // calling function Visit once for each item.

// overloaded operator:
   virtual bstClass& operator=(const bstClass& Rhs);


   void InsertItem(ptrType& TreePtr,
                   const treeItemType& NewItem,
                   bool& Success);
   // Recursively inserts an item into a binary search tree.
   // Precondition: TreePtr points to a binary search tree,
   // NewItem is the item to be inserted.
   // Postcondition: Same as SearchTreeInsert.

   void DeleteItem(ptrType& TreePtr, keyType SearchKey,
                   bool& Success);
   // Recursively deletes an item from a binary search tree.
   // Precondition: TreePtr points to a binary search tree,
   // SearchKey is the search key of the item to be deleted.
   // Postcondition: Same as SearchTreeDelete.

   void DeleteNodeItem(ptrType& NodePtr);
   // Deletes the item in the root of a given tree.
   // Precondition: RootPtr points to the root of a
   // binary search tree; RootPtr != NULL.
   // Postcondition: The item in the root of the given
   // tree is deleted.

   void ProcessLeftmost(ptrType& NodePtr,
                        treeItemType& TreeItem);
   // Retrieves and deletes the leftmost descendant of a
   // given node.
   // Precondition: NodePtr points to a node in a binary
   // search tree; NodePtr != NULL.
   // Postcondition: TreeItem contains the item in the
   // leftmost descendant of the node to which NodePtr
   // points. The leftmost descendant of NodePtr is
   // deleted.

   void RetrieveItem(ptrType TreePtr, keyType SearchKey,
                     treeItemType& TreeItem,
                     bool& Success) const;
   // Recursively retrieves an item from a binary search
   // tree.
   // Precondition: TreePtr points to a binary search tree,
   // SearchKey is the search key of the item to be
   // retrieved.
   // Postcondition: Same as SearchTreeRetrieve.

// The following 9 methods are the same as for the ADT
// binary tree, and so their specifications are abbreviated.
   void CopyTree(ptrType TreePtr, ptrType& NewTreePtr) const;
   void DestroyTree(ptrType& TreePtr);

   void Preorder(ptrType TreePtr, functionType Visit);
   void Inorder(ptrType TreePtr, functionType Visit);
   void Postorder(ptrType TreePtr, functionType Visit);

   ptrType RootPtr() const;
   void SetRootPtr(ptrType NewRoot);

   void GetChildPtrs(ptrType NodePtr, ptrType& LChildPtr,
                     ptrType& RChildPtr) const;
   void SetChildPtrs(ptrType NodePtr, ptrType LChildPtr,
                     ptrType RChildPtr);

   ptrType Root;  // pointer to root of tree
};  // end class
// End of header file.
