

#define NUM_SYMBOLS 10 

class queueSetClass 
  public :

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

      /* Read in a set of K-digit numbers from stdin, where K is
	 the value of the constant NUM_DIGITS defined in item.h */

    void LoadData() ;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

              /* Insert item in the queue which has index equal
		 to digIdx */

         void queueByDigit(int digIdx, itemClass item) ;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

        /* PRECONDITION: A list of items is in the queueSet, each
	   item is in the queue corresponding to it's one's
	   digit.  This function repeatedly re-queues all the
	   items by more and more significant digits, according
	   to the radix sort algorithm.  POSTCONDITION: all items
	   are in the queue corresponing to the most significant
	   digit. */        

    void DoMiddlePasses() ;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

            /* Put a special marker item at the rear of each
	       queue */

         void InsertMarkers() ;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

            /* Remove all the items from queue number "queueNum"
	       up to and including the marker.  Discard the
	       marker, but re-queue the other items.  Use passNum
	       as the position of the digit that determines in
	       which queue to place the item. */

         void redistQueue(int queueNum, int passNum) ;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

       /* Go to each queue and empty it.  Write each item out to
          standard output.  (This writes out the sorted list.) */

    void WriteOutData() ;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

            /* Remove each item X from queue number "qNum" and
	       write X to standard output on a line by itself.
	       The queue items appear on standard output in the
	       same order that they are removed from the queue.

         void PurgeQ(int qNum) ;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

        /* This is the array of queues */

    queueClass queues[NUM_SYMBOLS] ;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
       /* End of Class Definition */
} ;