Tips for Sorting

When sorting an array you can avoid moving large elements if you declare a separate index array and just permute indices. The original array can then be accessed in order via the index array. If N is the size of the list, using an index array saves O(N) or more data movement at the cost of using O(N) additional storage. See the file called indexArraySorting, for an example of this technique.
If you are going to sort a list "by" one key, and then "by" some other key, then you want what is called a "stable sort." In other words you don't want the order created by the first sort to be disturbed by the second sort. Some sorts are stable and some are not. InsertSort, SelectionSort, and BubbleSort are basically stable, but you must write the code so that it never performs a swap if two keys are equal. MergeSort too is stable if you only make sure to favor the "left" list when keys tie. QuickSort and HeapSort are *not* stable sorts.
Which sorting algorithm is best? What is best depends on many factors. Here is some general advice:

For sorting an array

InsertSort is good for small lists of small elements because it does about half as many comparisons as most simple sorts on average, and does about the same number of swaps as it does comparisons.

SelectionSort is good for small lists of large elements because it does only N-1 moves, where N is the size of the list.

QuickSort is good for a long list of small elements.

Doing a QuickSort of an index array is good if you have a long list of large elements. This avoids moving large elements.
For sorting a linked list

Here the size of elements does not matter because no moves are required.

InsertSort is good for sorting a short list

RadixSort tends to be good for sorting a long list if the keys are short. In such a case the RadixSort will have a small number of passes.

MergeSort or QuickSort are good for sorting a long list that has long keys.
Bubble Sort Is "Just a No-Good:" don't use it at all.

BubbleSort (also known as ExchangeSort) has nothing to recommend it other than a "catchy name."
Distribution Sort Is a True O(N) Sort: use it when you can!

Suppose you have a problem such as this: Sort 10,000 records by key where the keys are the integers from 0 to 9999. A job like this can be done with a Distribution Sort with just O(N) work.
someType sourceList[10000], targetList[10000] ;
int idx ;

                /* SORT THE LIST */
for (idx = 0; idx < 10000; idx++)
    targetList[sourceList[idx].key] = sourceList[idx] ;

              /* DISPLAY THE SORTED LIST */
for (idx = 0; idx < 10000; idx++)  print ( targetList[idx] ) ;