(Latest Revision: 09/17/2000)

Radix Sort: Using Queues and Structured Data


Writing this program will give you some practice using queues in a non-trivial application. It will also give you an opportunity to invent additional data structures to suit the needs of the problem at hand.


Write a program that
  1. implements a queue data type whose elements are arrays of six characters,
  2. implements a set of ten of the above-described queues, giving random access to each queue in the set, and
  3. uses the queue set to do a radix sort of a non-empty series of six-digit non-negative integers.


The input will consist of a series of one or more lines of text. The text on each line will consist of one six-digit integer, left justified. Each integer will be non-negative. Each integer will have exactly six digits -- no more, no less.

The program will read all input from standard input.




The program will sort the numbers into ascending order and print the sorted list to standard output. The output will be formatted identically to the input.




Suppose the executable program is called rsort. If the user wants to enter the input from the keyboard, s/he just enters the command:


and then enters the desired series of integers. When finished entering data the user presses the enter key and makes a control-D to signal the end-of-input.

Suppose the user wants the input to come from a prepared file called input01. In that case s/he just enters:

rsort < input01

In this case, where redirection of standard input to a file is done, there is no need to enter the end-of-input signal.

The user may wish to save the output of the program to a file. In that case, s/he can use this command:

rsort < input01 > output01

When I test your program, I will test it on several prepared files. Some input files will contain a large quantity of integers to sort. Other files will be small.


There are ten queues: queue[0], queue[1], ..., queue[9].

Each input integer is a six-digit number. The radix sort makes one pass for each of these six digits.

The first pass sorts according to the least significant digit (ones-digit). In this pass, the program inserts each number into the queue corresponding to the number's least significant digit. In the 5 succeeding passes the program takes numbers off the queues and re-queues them according to their "tens-digit", "hundreds-digit", and finally their most significant digit ("hundred-thousands-digit"). When it performs one of these passes the program first takes all the elements from the previous pass off queue[0] and re-queues them. It then does the same thing for queue[1], queue[2], and so on, up to queue[9]. After the sixth and final pass, the program dequeues the numbers and writes them to the output. They come out in sorted order. (If you are "still confused" you can look at this example. I'll discuss the example in class.)

Other than the queues described above, the program need not allocate any storage to hold the list of integers to be sorted. Immediately after inputting each integer, the program may enqueue it according to the value of its ones-digit. After the last pass is complete the integers are in the queues, distributed according to their hundred-thousands-digit. The program can then write the sorted list to the standard ouput merely by emptying the queues, starting at the 0-queue and proceeding in numerical order to the 9-queue.

One element is still missing from the description of the algorithm. Since the program takes integers out of queues and re-enqueues them into the same set of queues, we enqueue a marker in each queue before beginning a new pass. When the program dequeues a marker, it knows that it has finished dequeueing all the integers that were in that queue at the start of the pass. For the marker, you may choose any six-character array that cannot be confused with a list element. For example, the array zzzzzz could be the marker.


The program must read each six-digit integer as a sequence of six characters, not as an integer variable. The program must internally represent each six-digit integer as an array of six characters. The program has to select individual digits from each integer as part of the sort. The value of the digit determines which queue the integer will be inserted into next. When we represent the integers as arrays of characters, it makes it particularly easy to perform this digit selection.

Use a linked list implementation of the queue data type. I recommend that you use the implementation in our text book. The header and implementation files are in this directory. You will have to modify this code slightly to make the queue element type an array of six characters.

Since there are ten related queues to be implemented, they must be organized into an appropriate data structure. An array of ten queues will work well.


Before you do any assignment for me, you need to read the programming assignment rules. This document contains my general rules regarding form, and style. The document also describes my grading criteria.

You also need to reference the other documents here: http://shalim.csustan.edu/~john/Classes/General_Info/progAsgRules/ to make sure you are correctly applying the top-down design methodology and to make sure that you are including everything necessary in the programs and scripts you send me.


There is a makeList program in this directory that you can use to generate lists of integers to sort.

When you test the algorithm on a long list of integers you can use the unix sort and diff commands to verify that your program sorted the list correctly.

For example, suppose that you have a file called data containing 1000 integers in random order. Suppose that the name of your executable radix sort program is rsort. if you execute the following commands

rsort < data > myoutput
sort -n < data > sortoutput
diff myoutput sortoutput
then rsort sorted the numbers correctly if and only if diff found no differences between myoutput and sortoutput. (When there are no differences between the files, diff has no output at all, or possibly just some blank lines.)

I expect to see your use of rsort and diff in the test scripts you make.


Come to class to get help and hints.


You will be sending me two e-mail messages. Please follow these rules: Here is the list of things you have to turn in:
  1. Send the following items to me by e-mail before midnight on the first due date:

    A level two version of the source code and a script showing your test runs. Include all the source files (*.h files and *.cpp files) that are required to compile the program into an executable image -- everything I need so that I can compile and test your program. The script must demonstrate adequate code coverage and data coverage. Combine all the source files and the script into one shell archive file and e-mail me the archive file with the subject line: CS3100,prog2.2.

  2. Send the following items to me by e-mail before midnight on the second due date:

    A final version of the source code and a script showing your test runs. Include all the source files (*.h files and *.cpp files) that are required to compile the program into an executable image -- everything I need so that I can compile and test your program. The script must demonstrate adequate code coverage and data coverage. Combine all the source files and the script into one shell archive file and e-mail me the archive file with the subject line: CS3100,prog2.f.
Note that there are no spaces in the subject lines given. It is important that you do not insert any spaces. My e-mail address is: john@ishi.csustan.edu.


For due dates, see the class schedule.