( rev. 12/25/2007 )


Basic Mail Commands -- Read this material. Do the exercises here that you don't understand completely.

  1. Login to one of the Sun Ultra's: altair, arcturus, barnard, capella, castor, centauri, ceti, deneb, omicron, polaris, pollux, regulus, rigel, saiph, sirius, sol, soleil, spica, vega, or zaurak.

  2. Send mail to yourself. Send mail to at least one classmate. Send one mail message to two people, possibly yourself and another classmate. Use the -v option when sending this mail

    Example: mail -v jceja@vega

    Example: mail -v -s "Happy Holidays" rlee@vega kjones@cs.ijk.edu

  3. Go here: https://cs.csustan.edu/WebMail/src/login.php. Login and read your mail using the web interface.

  4. Reply to the mail that other people sent to you.

  5. Delete unwanted mail.