( rev. 12/25/2007 )


Networking Commands -- Read this material. Do the exercises here that you don't understand completely.

  1. Login to one of the Sun Ultra's. See who else is logged on by using these commands:

    commands. Notice the differences among the displays. Do

    finger @pollux

    to see who is logged in on pollux. Do

    finger @altair

    to see if anyone is logged in on altair.

    Do some commands of the form

    finger user

    where, for user, you substitute the first name, last name, or user name of someone who has an account on the computer you are logged into. (You may choose one of your classmates.)

    The names of the Sun Ultra's in the lab are:

    altair, arcturus, barnard, capella, castor, centauri, ceti, deneb, omicron, polaris, pollux, regulus, rigel, saiph, sirius, sol, soleil, spica, vega, and zaurak.

    Do some commands of the form

    finger @hostname

    where you make hostname one of the names of the Sun Ultra's. Are the results what you expect? Do they agree with the signs on the computers and the identities of the people you see sitting in front of the computers?

  2. Read the manual page for the netstat command by executing:

    man netstat

    and look at the -n and -r options. Do the command:

    netstat -nr

    Try to figure out what the output means. Try the command:

    netstat -r

    Does that make the output more understandable?

  3. Read the man page for the arp command.

    Execute this command

    arp -a | less

    What does the output mean?

  4. Read the man page for the ifconfig command.

    Enter this command:

    ifconfig -a

    Try to figure out what the output means.

    Ask your instructor to run the command as super-user sometime - so you can see the address of the ethernet interface.

  5. Do

    man route

    Ask your instructor to show you the scripts used on alcyone to connect it to a subnet via ppp.