// ********************************************************
// Header file BT.h for the ADT binary tree.
// ********************************************************

typedef desired-type-of-tree-item treeItemType;

typedef void (*functionType)(treeItemType& AnItem);

struct treeNode;  // defined in implementation file
typedef treeNode* ptrType;  // pointer to node

class binTreeClass
// constructors and destructor:

// Create an empty binary tree - NULL root ptr

/* Create a binary tree with root node containing RootItem
   and NULL left and right child pointers */
   binTreeClass(const treeItemType& RootItem);

/* Create a binary tree BT with root node containing RootItem, and
   make the left and right subtrees of BT equal to copies of LeftTree
   and RightTree.
   binTreeClass(const treeItemType& RootItem,
                const binTreeClass& LeftTree,
                const binTreeClass& RightTree);

/* Create a binary tree BT equal to a copy of 'Tree'. */
   binTreeClass(const binTreeClass& Tree);

/* The definition of this constructor appears further below - in the
   'protected' section. */
//   binTreeClass(ptrType NodePtr);  // constructor

/* Remove and deallocate all the nodes, one-by-one.*/
   virtual ~binTreeClass();

// binary tree operations:

   virtual bool BinaryTreeIsEmpty() const;

/* If the tree is not empty, return a copy of 
   the item in the root node. */
   virtual treeItemType RootData() const;

/* Check to see if the tree has a root node.  If not, create one.
   Next, store a copy of 'NewItem' into the root node. */
   virtual void SetRootData(const treeItemType& NewItem);

/* If the tree has a root with no left child, then give it a left
    child with 'NewItem' stored there, and give the left child NULL
    subtrees. */
   virtual void AttachLeft(const treeItemType& NewItem,
                           bool& Success);

/* If the tree has a root with no right child, then give it a right
    child with 'NewItem' stored there, and give the right child NULL
    subtrees. */
   virtual void AttachRight(const treeItemType& NewItem,
                            bool& Success);

/* If the tree has a root with no left child, then give it a left
   subtree equal to a copy of 'LeftTree'. */
   virtual void AttachLeftSubtree(const binTreeClass& LeftTree, 
                                         bool& Success);

/* If the tree has a root with no right child, then give it a right
   subtree equal to a copy of 'RightTree'. */
   virtual void AttachRightSubtree(const binTreeClass& RightTree, 
                                          bool& Success);

/* If the tree is not empty, detach its left subtree, make it into
   an object of binTreeClass, and return that object as 'LeftTree'.
   virtual void DetachLeftSubtree(binTreeClass& LeftTree,
                                  bool& Success);

/* If the tree is not empty, detach its right subtree, make it into
   an object of binTreeClass, and return that object as 'RightTree'.
   virtual void DetachRightSubtree(binTreeClass& RightTree,
                                   bool& Success);

/* If this tree is not empty, return a binary tree object that is a
   copy of the left subtree of this tree. (If this tree is empty,
   return an empty tree.) */
   virtual binTreeClass LeftSubtree() const;

/* If this tree is not empty, return a binary tree object that is a
   copy of the right subtree of this tree. (If this tree is empty,
   return an empty tree.) */
   virtual binTreeClass RightSubtree() const;

/* Traverse the tree in pre-order and apply 'Visit' to each node. */
   virtual void PreorderTraverse(functionType Visit);

/* Traverse the tree in in-order and apply 'Visit' to each node. */
   virtual void InorderTraverse(functionType Visit);

/* Traverse the tree in post-order and apply 'Visit' to each node. */
   virtual void PostorderTraverse(functionType Visit);

// overloaded operator:
/* Make this tree equal to a copy of Rhs. */
   virtual binTreeClass& operator=(const binTreeClass& Rhs);

/* Create a binary tree BT by making 'NodePtr' the root pointer.  This
   operation does no memory allocation for tree nodes- just makes the
   root pointer of BT point to whatever memory 'NodePtr' points to.
   binTreeClass(ptrType NodePtr) ;

   /* Copies the tree rooted at TreePtr into a tree rooted
      at NewTreePtr. */
   void CopyTree(ptrType TreePtr, ptrType& NewTreePtr) const;

   /* Deallocates memory for a tree. */
   void DestroyTree(ptrType& TreePtr);

   // The next two functions retrieve and set the value
   // of the private data member Root.

     /* Return the root pointer of the tree. */
   ptrType RootPtr() const;

     /* Set the root pointer of the tree to 'NewRoot'. */
   void SetRootPtr(ptrType NewRoot);

   // The next two functions retrieve and set the values
   // of the left and right child pointers of a tree node.

        /* Follow NodePtr to the node, X, to which it points.  Set
	   LChildPtr equal to the left child pointer of X.  Also set
	   RChildPtr equal to the right child pointer of X. */
   void GetChildPtrs(ptrType NodePtr, ptrType& LChildPtr,
                     ptrType& RChildPtr) const;

        /* Follow NodePtr to the node, X, to which it points. Set the
	   left child pointer of X to LChildPtr, and the right child
	   pointer of X to RChildPtr. */
   void SetChildPtrs(ptrType NodePtr, ptrType LChildPtr,
                     ptrType RChildPtr);

/* Traverse, in pre-order, the tree to which 'TreePtr' points.
   While traversing, apply 'Visit' to each node. */
   void Preorder(ptrType TreePtr, functionType Visit);

/* Traverse, in in-order, the tree to which 'TreePtr' points.
   While traversing, apply 'Visit' to each node. */
   void Inorder(ptrType TreePtr, functionType Visit);

/* Traverse, in post-order, the tree to which 'TreePtr' points.
   While traversing, apply 'Visit' to each node. */
   void Postorder(ptrType TreePtr, functionType Visit);

   ptrType Root;  // pointer to root of tree
};  // end class
// End of header file.