SOURCE FILE: func_outline

This is a possible outline of the functions that could be used at the first
three levels in the cashier program.

int main ()

    void  MakeAndEchoList(List & invList, ofstream & receipts) ;

        void MakeInvHeading(ofstream & receipts) ;
        bool GetItem(inventoryItemType & itemBuf, ifstream & invent) ;
        void WriteDupErrMsg(string dup, ofstream & receipts) ;
        void EchoCopy(inventoryItemType itemBuf, ofstream & receipts) ;
        void MakeInvTrailer(ofstream & receipts) ;
    void  MakeReceipts (List & invList, ofstream & receipts) ;

        void ProcessOneOrder(   List   & invList,
                                string   curItemNum, 
                                   int   curQty, 
                                   int & customerNumber, 
                              ifstream & transac,
                              ofstream & receipts ) ;