SOURCE FILE: getParams.pseudo


   The job of this function is just to put some values in
   some variables.  The caller of the program furnishes
   arguments which are bound to the formal parameters below:
   filename, rows, and columns.  The function obtains values
   by questioning the user.

/* ************************************************************ */
/*                           getParams                          */
/* ************************************************************ */
void getParams (string& filename, int& rows, int& columns)

   /* Print prompt for file name */
   /* read reply into parameter: filename */

   /* Print prompt for number of tiles across */
   /* read reply into parameter: columns */

   /* Print prompt for number of tiles down */
   /* read reply into parameter: rows */

Notes on C++ syntax: 

* statements that write to the screen start like this: 
  cout <<

  Example:  cout << "Please enter your age ---> " ;

* statments that read from the keyboard start like this: 
  cin >>

  Example: cin >> the_users_age ;

* This function has reference parameters (indicated by use
  of ampersands (&).  This is a requirement.  Why?

Example Program:    

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>

using namespace std;

/* ************************************************************ */
/*                         MAIN PROGRAM                         */
/* ************************************************************ */
int main ()
       /* PROTOTYPES */
  void getStringByRef (string & refStr) ;
  void getStringByVal (string   valStr) ;

       /* VARIABLES */  
  string rStr = "INITIAL_REF", 
         vStr = "INITIAL_VAL";

  getStringByRef (rStr) ;
  cout << "in main, rStr is: " << rStr << endl << endl ;

  getStringByVal (vStr) ;
  cout << "in main, vStr is: " << vStr << endl << endl ;

  return 0 ;

/* ************************************************************ */
/*                         getStringByRef                       */
/* ************************************************************ */
void getStringByRef (string & refStr) 
  cout << "Please type a string for 'refStr': " ;
  cin >> refStr ;
  cout << endl << "in getStringByRef, refStr is: " 
       << refStr << endl;

/* ************************************************************ */
/*                         getStringByVal                       */
/* ************************************************************ */
void getStringByVal (string   valStr) 
  cout << "Please type a string for 'valStr': " ;
  cin >> valStr ;
  cout << endl << "in getStringByVal, valStr is: " 
       << valStr << endl;

/* ************************************************************ */
/* ************************************************************ */
/* ************************************************************ */