(Latest Revision: 10/01/2003)

Lists: A Program That Simulates a Grocery Store Checkout Procedure


You need to read chapter three and most of chapter four of Carrano before you begin this assignment. You also need to read the directions and examples here: http://www.cs.csustan.edu/~john/Classes/General_Info/progAsgRules/


Write, run, and test a program to simulate the operation of a grocery store checkout system. Your program will first make a list containing information on all the products available in the store. Then the program will read a series of customer orders, and print the cash register receipt for each order.


The input for this program has two sources: the program inputs inventory information from a text file called invent, and it inputs customer transaction information from a text file called transac.

The invent file consists of a series of lines. Each line is an inventory record containing information about one of the types of item the store offers for sale. An inventory record consists of a series of fields separated by white space. Here is the format for an inventory record:

<product number> <description> <price> <tax>

For example:

11012 gallon-milk 1.99 N

means that the store stocks item 11012 (gallon of milk), priced at $1.99 per unit, and this item is not taxable.

<product number> is a five-digit positive (non-zero) integer, <description> is a string of no more than 20 characters with no embedded blanks, <price> is a real number, and <tax> is a character ('T' if the product is taxable, 'N' if it is not taxable). It is a precondition of the program that the data in the inventory file is sorted from smallest to largest product number. (Be sure you understand that the program is not supposed to sort the invent file. We assume the file is sorted before we execute the program. You will have to sort "by hand" the invent files you create for testing.)

All prices in invent will be formatted as "dollar amounts" and as fixed-point real numbers. By this I mean that:
The program inputs the customer transaction (order) information from the file named transac. The transac file consists of a series of zero or more customer order records plus a final line containing an end-of-file sentinel. The end-of-file sentinel looks like this:

-1 0

Each customer order record consists of a series of one or more item purchase records plus a final line containing an end-of-record sentinel. The end-of-record sentinel looks like this:

0 0

Each item purchase record consists of a single line of text. The line of text consists of two fields separated by white space. An item purchase record has the following format:

<product number> <times>

where <product number> is as described above, and <times> is an integer in the range 1 to 100, indicating the quantity of this product desired. For example

11012 3

would represent an order for 3 gallons of milk.


The program first reads all of the inventory records from the file invent. The program creates an internal representation of each inventory record, inserts it into a list, and echoprints the information to an output file called receipts. The program then begins reading from the transac file. As the program reads each customer order record, it prints a receipt to the output file receipts.

The following input errors are possible, and must be handled by the program:

  1. Duplicate <product number> in the inventory file. If the program encounters a product number in the inventory file invent a second or subsequent time, then the program must write an error message on the current line of the receipts file, and skip the duplicate inventory record in the invent file.
  2. <Product number> not in inventory file. If the program encounters an item purchase record in the transac file with a product number that is not in the inventory file invent then the program must write an error message on the current line of the receipts file and skip the incorrect item purchase record.
  3. <Times> not in the specified range. If an item purchase record in the transac file has a valid product number, but the times entry is not in the range from 1 to 100, then the program must write an appropriate error message on the current line of the receipts file, and skip the incorrect item purchase record.
NOTE: All error messages must adequately explain what the error was.


The program will write its output to a text file called receipts.

As stated above, the echoprint of the inventory (plus whatever associated error messages are needed) will appear first on the output file.

Next on the output file will come a series of receipts. There will be one receipt for each customer order record in the transac file. The receipt for each customer order record will be nicely formatted. It will contain: All the material described above must be clearly printed, aligned and labelled. (Assume that the tax rate is 7.38% for taxable items.)

All prices in the invent file have to be formatted as real numbers and without dollar signs because they are going to be read into C++ float or double variables. On the receipt file, you may use a different format. In particular, if you want to, you can print out prices that contain dollar signs. However, remember that your format has to be neat and easy to read, like the examples below.



11012 gallon-milk           1.99    N
11014 butter                2.59    N
11110 pie-shells            0.99    N
20115 laundry-soap          3.60    T
30005 homestyle-br          0.99    N

EXAMPLE FILE: transac:

11110 2
40012 3
20115 1
0     0
30005 1
11014 2
11012 1
0     0
-1    0

EXAMPLE FILE: receipts:

SEP 10, 2001 Welcome to Sam's Grocery
Sam's Inventory is:

11012 gallon-milk           1.99    N
11014 butter                2.59    N
11110 pie-shells            0.99    N
20115 laundry-soap          3.60    T
30005 homestyle-br          0.99    N

SEP 10, 2001 Welcome to Sam's Grocery
Customer 1

pie-shells        2  @   0.99     1.98
*** ERROR: item 40012 is not in the inventory ***
laundry-soap      1  @   3.60     3.60

       Subtotal    5.58
       Tax         0.27

       Total       5.85

Thanks very much.  Please come again.

SEP 10, 2001 Welcome to Sam's Grocery
Customer 2

homestyle-br      1  @   0.99     0.99
butter            2  @   2.59     5.18       
gallon-milk       1  @   1.99     1.99

       Subtotal    8.16
       Tax         0.00

       Total       8.16

Thanks very much.  Please come again.


The program can store inventory information internally in a list. The elements of the list can be structs defined for this purpose. The structs can have fields for product number, description, price, tax, and whatever other information you want to store. You may assume that the maximum number of products is 50. Since the data in the inventory file is ordered from smallest to largest product number, it is very simple to insert the product records into the list in order. While processing customer orders, the program can use either a sequential or binary search to locate a product number in the inventory. You must use a version of the List class of our text book as the inventory list. I have provided one such version in the assignment directory and you are invited to use it (files ListA.h and ListA.cpp)

You can also design other data structures, such as a class to represent a customer order. The effort you make to design good data structures is likely to make the rest of the design and programming work go more quickly and easily.


You are responsible for deciding what sort of tests need to be done on your program to check it for correctness. Your script must demonstrate adequate code coverage and data coverage. I expect you to make your own test input files. The sample input files in this document are not adequate for thorough testing. We can discuss some testing ideas in class.


You will be turning in three hardcopy versions of your program and you will be sending me three e-mail messages.

With regard to the e-mail please follow these rules: Here is the list of things you have to turn in:
  1. On the first due date, turn in a hardcopy of a level two version of the source code. Include all the program source code except the files I gave you: ListA.h and ListA.cpp.

    (Note: Turn in the hardcopy at the department office and ask that it be placed in my mailbox)

  2. Send the following items to me by e-mail before midnight on the first due date:

    A level two version of the source code and a script showing your test runs. In the e-mail include all the source files (*.h files and *.cpp files) that are required to compile the program into an executable image -- everything I need so that I can compile and test your program. Combine all the source files and the script into one shell archive file and e-mail me the archive file with the subject line:


  3. On the morning of the second due date, turn in a hardcopy of a level three version of the source code. Include all the program source code except the files I gave you: ListA.h and ListA.cpp.

  4. Send the following items to me by e-mail before midnight on the second due date:

    A level three version of the source code and a script showing your test runs. In the e-mail include all the source files (*.h files and *.cpp files) that are required to compile the program into an executable image -- everything I need so that I can compile and test your program. Combine all the source files and the script into one shell archive file and e-mail me the archive file with the subject line:


  5. On the morning of the third due date, turn in a hardcopy of a final level version of the source code. Include all the program source code except the files I gave you: ListA.h and ListA.cpp.

  6. Send the following items to me by e-mail before midnight on the third due date:

    A final version of the source code and a script showing your test runs. In the e-mail include all the source files (*.h files and *.cpp files) that are required to compile the program into an executable image -- everything I need so that I can compile and test your program. Combine all the source files and the script into one shell archive file and e-mail me the archive file with the subject line:


Note that there are no spaces in the subject lines given. It is important that you do not insert any spaces. My e-mail address is: john@ishi.csustan.edu.


For the due dates, see the class schedule.