Latest Update: 03/20/2000

Week 06 Notes for CS 2500 -- Spring 2000
(this is draft material)

* Take roll 
* Schedule Highlights:

* Final version of program #2 due Monday, March 20, before
  midnight. Discussion?

* Prog #1 grades have been e-mailed back.  Quiz #1 is graded
  and is being handed back.  Grades have been posted keyed on
  last 4 digits of student ID.  "Projected estimate" of course
  grade is included.

* Announcement: Students please avoid turning in programs that
  don't run to spec.  In some cases you risk getting a failing
  grade on a program that can be repaired with ease.  At worst,
  it can do no harm to ask me for some help.  (I don't bite.)

  Incidentally, you need to test thoroughly so you *know* if
  your program does not work properly.  

* Discuss a problem of reading in a list of inventory records
  and writing them back out in sorted order, formatted nicely.
  This can motivate the use of abstract data types, and the use
  of arrays and structs in combination to represent data.

* There is a new programming assignment -- #3.  We can continue
  on to discuss this program as a way of approaching the idea
  of abstract data structures.

  + this program calls for one "overall" data structure that
    makes available as operations the basic actions that the
    program needs to carry out.  In other words there is a
    notion of a business data base object that needs to support
    certain operations.

  + At a lower level, we need to have two client lists
    supported.  Standard list operations are needed.  Perhaps
    some others should be added on?

  + At a still lower level there are lists of interests that
    must be supported this is another possible application of
    the list class of chapter 3.  How about two different
    versions of this class -- one for client lists and one for
    lists of interests.  In what ways should the two classes
    differ?  In what ways should they be the same?  Is it a
    good idea to take this approach, or is there some way to do
    the program in a simpler way, without using list classes?