(Last Revision -- 03/12/00)

A Program that Illustrates Misuse of Recursion


A program that calculates N choose K using a very inefficient
recursive method.


#include <iostream.h>

int NchooseK(int N, int K);

int main ()
  int N , K , ans;

  cout << endl ;
  cout << "Give values for N and K, and this program will output"  << endl ;
  cout << "the value of N choose K: " ;
  cin >> N >> K ;
  cout << endl ;

  ans = NchooseK(N,K) ;

  cout << endl ;
  cout << "The answer is: " << ans << "." << endl ;  
  return 0;

int NchooseK(int N, int K)
  cout << "Now computing " << N << " choose " << K << "." << endl  ;
  if ( (N==K) || (0==K) ) return 1;
  else return ( NchooseK(N-1, K-1) + NchooseK(N-1,K) ) ;