Latest Update: 03/03/2000
03/03/2000 -- Added a few remarks near the end.
02/28/2000 -- Added note about tutoring schedule

Week 03 Notes for CS 2500 -- Spring 2000
(this is draft material)

* Take roll 

* The tutoring schedule is now available 
  in the General_Info section

* Take a quick look a this week's section of the

* We discuss the first programming assignment.
  + discuss main loop
    - abstract version of main loop
    - more concrete version of main loop
  + discuss design considerations for second
    level functions.

* We discuss what has to be done in a level-two
  + examine model of a level-two program in the
    set of course documents.

* We look at an example program that is similar,
  but simpler -- it turns an array up-side-down.
  (This example code is now available in the
  assignment directory) 

* We need to start discussing recursion soon.

* We may need to save some time at end of class
  one day to show people how to get (Internet
  Explorer?)  Netscape on the Suns.

* We can talk about arrays, records, arrays of
  records, records containing arrays, etc.

* At end of week, maybe we can re-write the
  version of the main loop in "BridgeHandsHelp"
  so it has function calls with parameters.
  Then we can talk about what each function has
  to do.

* Students should use stubs at level one and
  test before going on to level two.  This helps
  to get bugs out with less effort by isolating
  faults.  It's best to write a program one
  function at a time.  Stub out any
  sub-functions and run the program to see if
  there are any problems with the new function.

* Students should note that at stub for "Mark
  the rest of the hand as present" has to do a
  little more than some stubs would have to do:
  the stub has to read past the 12 cards and
  move down past the end-of-line.  Otherwise the
  rest of the main loop will get "out of sync"
  with the input, and tests of the main loop will
  go awry.

* Take a look at the file in the assignment
  directory that shows how to translate from
  integer card codes to character card codes for
  the output.  Notice how "\t" is used to do

------------------------- cut here -------------------------
Notes about the LEVEL ONE version of the bridge

char rankChar, suitChar ;
     /* test by attempting to get the first part of the first card */
while (cin >> rankChar)  
   /* the input command returns  a value of true 
      or false -- the test we need.  This loop is a big
      part of the solution we need.  It takes care of starting right
      and stopping right.  */
    /* get the rest of the first card */
  cin >> suitChar;
  Zero out the array ;
  Mark the first card as present
    /* the next step involves reading the info about the next 12 cards */

       for the other functions don't have to do

  Mark the rest of the hand as present 

  PrettyPrint the hand
------------------------- cut here -------------------------

Commands for Compilation

g++ sourcename.cpp  
        (* a.out is target *)
g++ -o targetname sourcename.cpp

        (* target is named "targetname". *)