Latest Update: 02/24/2000
02/24/2000 -- a little reorganization

Week 02 Notes for CS 2500 -- Spring 2000
(this is draft material)


* Take roll 

* Pass out remaining computer accounts.

Please think about Guillermo's message and get
ready to let me know which of the hours he
suggests would be hours you could go for
tutoring help.  I will ask for a show of hands
on Wednesday.
Guillermo Vargas' message:

Hi Dr. Sarraille:

We are planning on having four tutoring sessions
each week, two hours for CS 1500 and two hours
for CS 2500.

As you know, our goal is to help students
understand the material presented in class, as
well as to answer questions they may have about
their assignments.

This semester we also want to introduce new
material to the students before it is presented
by their professors.  We want to do this because
some students ( mainly from CS 1500 ) have
plenty of time and energy to learn more C++

I'm currently working on a website for the
workshops.  Hopefully, the site will be ready
next week.

These are the hours available for the workshops:

Monday or Wednesday
10:10 - 11:08
11:15 - 12:13
12:15 -  1:13
 2:30 -  3:20
 3:20 -  4:10

Tuesday or Thursday
1:00 - 1:50
2:00 - 2:50
3:00 - 3:50
4:00 - 4:50

* Take a quick look a this week's section of the

* Explain that the class members need to examine
  the stuff in: 

This is the list:


* Announcement: When we have quizzes, there will
  be questions from all the readings -- both
  texts: Carrano and Andersen.

* Announcement: Don't be confused by reading
  section 3.8 of Andersen.  On our Sun Ultra
  System, you need to use the command
  "nispasswd" to change your password.  The
  "passwd" command will not do the trick on our
  system.  Nispasswd is required to distribute
  the information around to all the Sun Ultra's.

* Think about this: now we will be writing
  larger and more sophisticated programs.  This
  requires more planning of the design.

* Take roll 

* Do poll on Guillermo's hours.

* we have a little survey from a student to fill
  out in the last 10 minutes of class.

* Show example of how to read e-mail on the Sun

* We discuss the first programming assignment.

* We discuss what has to be done in a level-two

* Take roll 

* brief look at compile commands and compiling
  with jove.

* Everyone must keep in mind that though the
  hints look very extensive, still you will have
  to work very hard and long to get the program
  to work.  It's imperative that you get started
  immediately and "have your problems" and get
  your answers as soon as possible.

* The best way to work may be to spend a set
  amount of time at home each day, and come in
  to ask questions in office hours each day.
  Maybe do it like that or do this on a two-day
  cycle instead of a one-day cycle.

* We discuss more on the first programming

* We discuss what has to be done in a level-two


* We briefly discuss the techniques being put
  forward in chapter one of Carrano.
* We may need to save some time at end of class
  one day to show people how to get (Internet
  Explorer?)  Netscape on the Suns.

* Discuss topics/notes on chapter one.
* Students should practice using their accounts,
  including compiling, and reading and sending
  mail.  Go to lab and practice.

* We can talk about arrays, records, arrays of
  records, records containing arrays, etc.

------------------------- cut here -------------------------

Commands for Compilation

g++ sourcename.cpp  
        (* a.out is target *)
g++ -o targetname sourcename.cpp
        (* target is named "targetname". *)