
// *********************************************************
// Header file StackP.h for the ADT stack.
// Pointer-based implementation.
// *********************************************************
typedef desired-type-of-stack-item stackItemType;

struct stackNode;  // defined in implementation file
typedef stackNode* ptrType;  // pointer to node

class stackClass
// constructors and destructor:
   stackClass();                     // default constructor
   stackClass(const stackClass& S);  // copy constructor
   ~stackClass();                    // destructor

// stack operations:
   bool StackIsEmpty() const;
   void Push(stackItemType NewItem, bool& Success);
   void Pop(bool& Success);
   void Pop(stackItemType& StackTop, bool& Success);
   void GetStackTop(stackItemType& StackTop, 
                    bool& Success) const;

   ptrType TopPtr;  // points to top of stack
};  // end class
// End of header file.