(Latest Revision: 03/29/2000)

Discussion of How We "Glue" the List Class Code onto the Main Program

    + including the *.h file in the main source

         #include <fstream.h>
         #include <iostream.h>
         #include <string>
         #include "clientList.h"

    + declaring object(s) (variable(s)) of the
      list class in the main program file,

         typedef clientListClass clientData[2] ;

         int main ()
           clientData clientD ;
           buildLists(clientD) ;
           ...  // stuff not shown
           return 0 ;

    + making calls in the main program file (not
      the main function) to class methods

           // excerpt of "putClientInList"
         if      (gender == 'M') genderID = MEN ;  //constant=0
         else if (gender == 'F') genderID = WOMEN; //constant=1
         posInList = clientD[genderID].ListLength() + 1;
         clientD[genderID].ListInsert(posInList, item, success) ;

    + and compiling all source files together.

             // creates one compiled image from all sources
         g++ matchL3.cpp clientList.cpp