Example Code for Bridge Hands Problem

/* Read in an array and print it out inverted (up-side-down). */

#include <iostream.h>

void getImage (char picture[5][4]) ;
void writeInversion(char picture[5][4]) ;

int main ()

  char picture [5][4] ; // 2D array, 5 rows, 4 columns
  getImage(picture) ;
  cout << endl << endl ;
  writeInversion(picture) ;
  return 0;

/* ################################################## */
/*   getImage */
/* ################################################## */
void getImage (char picture[5][4])

    /* This function puts some input into an array of characters.
       Precondition: there are exactly 5 lines of input.  Each
       line starts with 4 characters that are not whitespace
       characters and terminates with a newline character. */

  int row, col ;
  for (row=0; row<5; row++)
     for (col=0; col<4; col++)
        cin >> picture[row][col] ;

/* ################################################## */
/*   writeInversion */
/* ################################################## */
void writeInversion(char picture[5][4])

    /* This function outputs a matrix of characters "upside
       down."  In other words it writes each row of the matrix in
       reverse order, starting with the last row and going up to the
       first. */

  int row, col ;
  for (row=4; row>=0; row--)
     for (col=3; col>=0; col--)
        cout << picture[row][col] ;
     cout << endl;