(Latest Revision: Thu Apr 12 10:31:52 PDT 2001 ) listAsg


CS 2500 Programming Assignment #4


NOTE: all three phases must compile and run without errors.
(When needed, please ask for help in class, during office
hours, or make an appointment.)

Phase 1.  Turn in a copy of the shell with the header comments
          for the new operations filled in, plus a test script.
          DUE: Wednesday, Nov 12, 1997
Phase 2.  Turn in a copy of the shell containing the complete
          test driver and stubs for the new operations, plus a
	  test script.
          DUE: Wednesday, Nov 19, 1997

Phase 3.  In three separate, labelled e-mail messages, turn in:
          a) a copy of the shell with the new operations filled in,
          b) a copy of your input file, and 
          c) a script showing a run of the tests, with
             successful outcomes for all.
          DUE: Wednesday, Nov 26, 1997

Your assignment is to extend the (ordered) List ADT by adding
the following operations to a copy of the shell program I have
given you:

Name            Type          Purpose

ValueInList     Function      Determine whether there is an element with
                              the specified Key value in List.

MergeLists      Procedure     Merge the elements in List1 and List2 into
                              a single list, NewList.

SplitList       Procedure     Split the elements in MainList into two
                              lists, List1 and List2, according to the
                              key value of each element.  All elements
                              with keys less than SplitValue will be put
                              into List1; all elements with keys greater
                              than or equal to SplitValue will be put into

GetElement      Procedure     Return a copy of the element in the Nth
                              position of the List.

PrintList       Procedure     Print out the List elements in key order
                              (from smallest to largest key).

ReversePrint    Procedure     Print out the List elements in reverse
                              key order (from largest to smallest key).

The first part of the assignment is to write header comments for
each operation, in the following format:

Operation (parameter list)

These header comments must specify what the operations do.  Put
the header comments into appropriate locations at the end of
the set of list operations in your copy of the shell program.

Next implement the operations, by adding the appropriate
Function and Procedures to the shell.

Create a test plan describing the test cases needed for each
operation.  Part of your grade will be determined by the
completeness of the test plan.

Fill in the main program so that it is a "test driver".  In
other words fill it in with the code required to carry out the
tests that you planned.  

Write the main program so it reads from standard input and
writes to standard output.  You can prepare the list of strings
you want the program to read in advance by putting the strings
in a file, one string per line.  Then you can run the test
driver by typing

a.out < inFileName > outFileName

where "inFileName" stands for whatever the name is of your file
of inputs, and outFileName is the name you want to give to the
set of outputs you get for this run of the program.

When your program writes its output, it must print lots of
labels and comments so that it will be easy for the user of the
program to understand what each test did, and what the results

Typically this means there will be a series of tests.  Before
each test is performed, the program writes a little message
identifying which operation is going to be tested, and what the
inputs are going to be.  Then the test is performed, and the
program prints out a message showing what the result of the
operation was.  The user of the program should be able to look
at the inputs and outputs, and determine for himself whether the
test succeeded.

The new list operations that you write are allowed to make
calls to any of the list operations that already exist.

Generally, it is poor form and style when list operations make
calls to string operations, or vice-versa.  However, in this
program PrintList and ReversePrint are allowed to make calls to
PrintString.  ValueInList, MergeLists, and SplitList are also
allowed to make calls to Compare.

Your test driver is allowed to call any of the functions and
procedures in the shell.