(Latest Revision: Sat Nov 12 20:24:04 PST 2016 ) tilerScrpt.txt


Script started on Sat Nov 12 20:18:14 2016
lucifer.local>> a.out

This program makes diagrams that look like
tiled surfaces.  The user enters two positive integers
representing the desired length and width of the pattern
and the program writes the diagram on the screen.

The maximum dimensions are 6 tiles in the vertical direction, and
8 tiles in the horizontal direction.

How many tiles LONG would you like the pattern to be? 1
How many tiles WIDE would you like the pattern to be? 1


lucifer.local>> a.out

This program makes diagrams that look like
tiled surfaces.  The user enters two positive integers
representing the desired length and width of the pattern
and the program writes the diagram on the screen.

The maximum dimensions are 6 tiles in the vertical direction, and
8 tiles in the horizontal direction.

How many tiles LONG would you like the pattern to be? 1
How many tiles WIDE would you like the pattern to be? 2


lucifer.local>> a.out

This program makes diagrams that look like
tiled surfaces.  The user enters two positive integers
representing the desired length and width of the pattern
and the program writes the diagram on the screen.

The maximum dimensions are 6 tiles in the vertical direction, and
8 tiles in the horizontal direction.

How many tiles LONG would you like the pattern to be? 2
How many tiles WIDE would you like the pattern to be? 1


lucifer.local>> a.out

This program makes diagrams that look like
tiled surfaces.  The user enters two positive integers
representing the desired length and width of the pattern
and the program writes the diagram on the screen.

The maximum dimensions are 6 tiles in the vertical direction, and
8 tiles in the horizontal direction.

How many tiles LONG would you like the pattern to be? 3
How many tiles WIDE would you like the pattern to be? 5


lucifer.local>> a.out

This program makes diagrams that look like
tiled surfaces.  The user enters two positive integers
representing the desired length and width of the pattern
and the program writes the diagram on the screen.

The maximum dimensions are 6 tiles in the vertical direction, and
8 tiles in the horizontal direction.

How many tiles LONG would you like the pattern to be? 7
How many tiles WIDE would you like the pattern to be? 8

Your input was understood to be: LENGTH = 7 and WIDTH = 8
This input is incorrect. Dimensions must be positive integers, and
the maximum values are 6 tiles in the vertical direction, and
8 tiles in the horizontal direction.

Please run the program again.

lucifer.local>> a.out

This program makes diagrams that look like
tiled surfaces.  The user enters two positive integers
representing the desired length and width of the pattern
and the program writes the diagram on the screen.

The maximum dimensions are 6 tiles in the vertical direction, and
8 tiles in the horizontal direction.

How many tiles LONG would you like the pattern to be? 0
How many tiles WIDE would you like the pattern to be? 5

Your input was understood to be: LENGTH = 0 and WIDTH = 5
This input is incorrect. Dimensions must be positive integers, and
the maximum values are 6 tiles in the vertical direction, and
8 tiles in the horizontal direction.

Please run the program again.

lucifer.local>> exit

Script done on Sat Nov 12 20:19:51 2016