(Latest Revision: Tue Nov 8 22:27:00 PST 2016 ) pythTripScrp.txt


Script started on Tue Nov  8 22:16:22 2016
lucifer.local>> a.out

Enter two positive integers M, N with M > N: 2 1

The triple is S1: 3, S2: 4, S3: 5

S1 squared is: 9, S2 squared is: 16

The sum of the squares is: 25

S3 squared is: 25

lucifer.local>> a.out

Enter two positive integers M, N with M > N: 5 3

The triple is S1: 16, S2: 30, S3: 34

S1 squared is: 256, S2 squared is: 900

The sum of the squares is: 1156

S3 squared is: 1156

lucifer.local>> exit

Script done on Tue Nov	8 22:16:45 2016