Solo #6 (Adder/Reverser) Due: Friday, Dec 9 KEYED by x + last 4 digits of student ID number ERROR CODE LEGEND ID Error ERR POINTS CODE Score Code(s) CODE OFF EXPLANATION Timing & Form of Submission x0103 T3 T1 10/day Late (DUE: Fri, Dec 9, 2016 x0388 80 P8,D3(2) T2 100 Too late to be accepted (After Dec 15) x0596 70 T1,P1,P2,D3(2) T3 100 No Source Received x0876 100 T4 5 No E-mail of Source, but hardcopy received x1052 85 F1,S2 T5 15 No E-mail of Script x1171 T3 T6 5 E-mail message(s) with wrong subject line x1684 T3 ("CS1500Solo6Source" and "CS1500Solo6Script") x1773 100 x2517 T3 Compilation x3292 25 P13 C1 >=50 Program does not compile x3651 T3 C2 3 Minor format errors prevented compilation x4436 100 x4606 100 Program Logic & Results x4946 100 P1 5 Alignment of output is incorrect x5591 100 P2 5 Number of digits after decimal place is wrong x5783 T3 P3 <=15 Program does not read correctly from a good input file x5867 T3 P4 5 Program does not handle case of non-existent file x6031 90 P1,P10 P5 3 Sum wrong/missing from one of screen or output file x6126 T3 P6 10 Sum wrong/missing from both screen and output file x7085 82.5 P1,P2,D4(2) P7 3 Reverse list wrong/missing from one of screen or output file x7105 25 S4,P13 P8 10 Reverse wrong/missing from both screen and output file x7111 100 P9 >=30 Program does not load data into an array x7741 T3 P10 <=10 ea Bad function or function error x7872 T3 P11 2 Minor format error in output x7878 T3 P12 <=5 Major format error in output x7934 T3 P13 <=100 Program just doesn't work x8217 T3 x9516 T3 Format & Style of Program F1 5 Some tabs, bad indent, long lines F2 >=8 Much bad formatting Program Design D1 <=20 Use of global variables D2 10 Array bounds error D3 5ea Missing functions (main+two required) D4 5ea Missing function with a parameter (two required) D5 15 Use of single variables in place of array D6 10 Use of multiple statements instead of loops Script S1 <=5 Does not order tests as directed S2 10 Missing test of _good input_ S3 5 Missing test for non-existent file S4 15 No script Miscellaneous M1 Please make an appointment to see me. (X) Denotes an excused error (n) Denotes how many errors of some type Example: S2(1) denotes 1 missing test