Solo #5 (Tile Pattern) Due: Wednesday, Nov 23 KEYED by x + last 4 digits of student ID number ERROR CODE LEGEND ID Error ERR POINTS CODE Score Code(s) CODE OFF EXPLANATION Timing & Form of Submission x0103 T3 T1 10/day Late (due Wed, Nov 23) x0388 97 F1 T2 100 Too late to be accepted (Last day is Tue, Nov 29) x0596 97 F1 T3 100 No Source Received x0876 90 T6,S1 T4 5 No E-mail of Source, but hardcopy received x1052 84 F1,P1,P7,P18 T5 15 No E-mail of Script x1171 T3 T6 5 E-mail message(s) with wrong subject line x1684 T3 (CS1500Solo5Source and CS1500Solo5Script) x1773 97 F1 x2517 T3 Compilation x3292 85 S3,P6 C1 >=50 Program does not compile x3651 T3 C2 3 Minor format errors prevented compilation x4436 97 F1 x4606 95 T6 Program Execution Results x4946 87 F1,D7 P1 5 Missing or Erroneous Directions x5591 97 F1 P2 5 Prompt not adequate x5783 T3 P3 10 Pattern width or height off by one x5867 T3 P4 <=20 Pattern width or height off by two or more x6031 97 F1 P5 5 Program confuses width and height x6126 T3 P6 <=10 Program puts newlines in the wrong places x7085 75 T1(2),P12 P7 5 Fence-post problem not solved in one dimension x7105 97 F1 P8 10 Fence-post problem not solved in either dimension x7111 100 P9 <=5 Tiles image not as specified x7741 T3 P10 >=15 Program solves a simplified problem x7872 T3 P11 >=10ea Major logical error in function x7878 T3 P12 <=5ea Minor logical error in function x7934 100 P13 Program does not stop after making one pattern x8217 T3 5 (makes my job testing difficult) x9516 T3 P14 2 Blank space between tiles P15 2 Missing blank space before/after pattern P16 3 Tabs in tile image code P17 <=100 Output of program is very incorrect P18 3 Bad format of output text Format & Style of Program F1 >=3 Some tabs, bad indent, long lines F2 >=3 Much bad formatting Program Design D1 3 Missing initial header comment D2 <=3 ea Missing, or inadequate, function comment D3 <=10 Program does not use functions appropriately D4 10 Program does not make proper use of parameters D5 10 Improper arguments in function calls D6 5 Functions have extra, useless, parameters D7 <=10 Program uses global variable(s) inappropriately D8 1ea Functions that should be void are not D9 3ea Logical error: function does not return value D10 1-2ea Bad mnemonics D11 3 Minor logical error Script S1 5 Not enough checks on boundary data values S2 5 Not enough checks on out of bounds values S3 5 Not enough checks on values well within bounds S4 15 No Script Miscellaneous M1 Please make an appointment to see me. M2 Penalty