SOURCE FILE: 020_taxProg2.cpp

      This program calculates a progressive tax with the
      following characteristics:
      Tax the first 40000 at 1% rate. (tax on 40000 is 400)
      Tax the next 20000 at 1.5% rate (tax on 60000 is 700 = 400 + 300)
      Tax the next 30000 at 2.25% rate (tax on 90000 is 1375 = 700 + 675)
      Tax any income over 90000 at 3% rate.

      In figuring the tax, I used nested if-else statements 
      and a maximum amount of braces to delimit sub-parts of

/* ****************************** */

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std ; 

int main (void) 
  double income, tax ;

  cout << "\nPlease enter your taxable\n" ;
  cout << "income as a non-negative number: " ;
  cin >> income ;
  if (income < 0)
  { /* Error Message */

     cout << "\nYou entered a BAD VALUE for your income.\n" ;
     cout << "Please run the program again.\n\n" ;
  { /* Figure and report the tax. */
     if (income <= 40000)
        tax = 0.01 * income ;
     else /* income is MORE than 40000, so ...  */
        if (income <= 60000) 
           tax = 400 + 0.015 * (income - 40000) ; 
        else  /* income is MORE than 60000, so ...  */
           if (income <= 90000)
              tax = 700 + 0.0225 * (income - 60000) ;
           else  /* income is MORE than 90000, so ...  */
              tax = 1375 + 0.03 * (income - 90000) ;              

     cout.setf (ios::fixed) ;
     cout.setf (ios::showpoint) ;
     cout.precision (2) ;

     cout << "\nYour taxable income is: " << income << endl ;
     cout << "For filing status Single your tax is: " << tax ;
     cout << endl << endl ;
  return 0; 

/* ****************************** */