SOURCE FILE: 000_AA_progSkelt.cpp

      Starter C++ Program

/* ****************************** */

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std ; 

int main (void) 

   return 0; 

/* ****************************** */

Here is another copy of the starter program above, with comments that explain
the purpose of each part.

    // This adds code for input/output tasks - so YOU don't have to.
#include <iostream> 

   // This defines things - like cout and endl
using namespace std ; 

       A C++ program is a collection of one or more functions.  Each function
       performs a specific task.  

       A program or function can 'call' another program or function to help
       it.  This is like person X calling on person Y to perform a task for
       person X.

       It is a rule of C++ that every C++ program must have exactly one
       function named 'main', The next line of C++ code below this (long)
       comment says that this part of the program is the definition of the
       task that the main function performs.

       When program or function X calls on program or function Y to do a job,
       it may be necessary for X to give Y some information as input.  For
       example if X wants Y to compute the tax on an income, X has to tell Y
       how much the income is, and maybe what the tax rate is, and so on.  We
       call this kind of information 'arguments' or 'actual parameters'.
       Below the keyword 'void' between parentheses indicates that main has no

       After Y does its job for X, it may need to give some kind of answer to
       X.  When it does this, we say that Y returns a value to X.  Below, the
       keyword 'int' means that main does return a value, and the returned
       value is an integer.

int main (void) 

       It is a rule of C++ that the statements in a function have to appear
       between an open brace [ { ] and a close brace [ } ].  So the open brace
       means "Here comes the beginning of the C++ statements in main", and the
       close brace means "This is the end of the C++ statements in main."

        The line below basically just says that execution of the main function
        should stop, and that the code '0' should be returned to the caller 
        of main (which is probably a shell running in a terminal window). 

   return 0; 