(Latest Revision: Fri Sep 6 16:08:39 PDT 2013 ) joveCommands.txt


JOVE Commands Useful for Making Programs That Output ASCII Art

Go to beginning of line: c-a
Go to end of line: c-e
Go to next line: c-n
Go to previous line: c-p
Go right: c-f
Go left: c-b

Macro Commands
Start Recording Macro: c-x (
Stop Recording Macro: c-x )
Execute Macro: c-x e
Execute Macro n times: esc n c-x e
Example: esc 10 c-x e  [this executes the macro 10 times]

Query Replace: esc-q  (prompts for the characters to replace, 
and what to replace them with)

Example: esc-q  \\  \\\\   [this replaces \ with \\ ]
Example: esc-q  "  \\"     [this replaces " with \" ]
To make choices offered by query replace:
Yes: spacebar
No: n
Stop: return

Global Replace: esc-r

This works like Query Replace, except that it just makes all the changes 
without asking you to confirm individually.