SOURCE FILE: 06_wordSubst.cpp

    This program counts the contiguous strings ('words') contained in a file
    called myTextFile.  It writes versions of tne words to the screen and to a
    file called words+counts.  The versions written are obtained by changing
    each s to an f, and each S to an F.  Each word is written by itself on a
    numbered line.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std ;

void subst (char word[]) ;
  // changes each s in word to f (upper case too)

int main (void)
   ifstream wordFile ;"myTextFile") ;
   if (
     cout << "FAILED TO OPEN FILE: " << "myTextFile" << endl ;
     exit(1) ;

   ofstream resultsFile ;"words+counts");
   if (
     cout << "FAILED TO OPEN FILE: " << "words+counts" << endl ;
     exit(1) ;

   int wordCount = 0 ;
   char nextWord[256] ;
   while (wordFile >> nextWord)
      wordCount++ ;
      subst (nextWord) ;
      cout << wordCount << " " << nextWord << endl ;
      resultsFile << wordCount << " " << nextWord << endl ;
   cout << "\nThere was a total of " << wordCount << " words.\n\n" ;
   resultsFile << "\nThere was a total of " << wordCount << " words.\n\n" ;
   wordFile.close() ;
   resultsFile.close() ;
   return 0;

void subst (char word[])
   int pstn = 0 ;
   while (word[pstn] != '\0')
           if (word[pstn] == 's') word[pstn] = 'f' ;
      else if (word[pstn] == 'S') word[pstn] = 'F' ;
      pstn++ ;