Solo #2 (Tax Calculator) Due: Thursday, Mar 5 ERROR CODE LEGEND ID Error ERR POINTS CODE Score Code(s) CODE OFF EXPLANATION Timing & Form of Submission #0652 90 P9 T1 10/day Late (due Thurs, Mar 5) #1337 100 T2 100 Too late to be accepted (after Wed, Mar 11) #1764 90 S1 T3 100 No Source Received #1774 ? P9,M1 T4 5 No E-mail of Source, but hardcopy received #1800 87 P8,S2 T5 15 No E-mail of Script #1808 ? P9,M1 T6 5 Either or both E-mail(s) with wrong subject line #1936 95 P8 ("CS1500Solo2Source" and "CS1500Solo2Script") #2511 100 #2665 100 Compilation #2700 95 P8 C1 >=50 Program does not compile #2797 92 S2,F1 C2 3 Format or minor error prevents compilation #3461 90 P7,P8 #3716 100 Program Logic & Results #4301 100 P1 10 Prompt for input missing or not correct #4941 100 P2 3 Output of filing status missing or not correct #5014 95 P8 P3 5 Output of income missing or not correct #6355 100 P4 50 Output of tax missing or not correct #6506 100 M1 P5 10 Major deficiency in output format #8404 100 P6 5 Minor deficiency in output format #8952 100 P7 5 Bad number format #9093 95 P8,F1 P8 5 One or a few small errors leading to incorrect output #9397 100 P9 <= 30 Many/major formula errors or many incorrect results #9580 100 P10 5 Extra input or output #9916 95 P8 P11 5 Wrong data type for a variable P12 5 Handling of bad data is not correct P13 <=100 The program makes no sense at all Format & Style of Program F1 <= 4 Formatting defects - lack of indentation, long lines, tabs Script S1 <= 15 Script shows little or no testing S2 8 No testing at or near boundary values S3 4 Testing at or near only one boundary value S4 5 Not enough testing of ordinary (non-boundary) data S5 >=5 Script is not made properly Miscellaneous M1 Please make an appointment to see me. (n) number of times, e.g. T1(2) means two days late