Code Score Error Code(s) #0652 100 #1337 100 ERROR CODE LEGEND #1764 100 #1774 94 S6,S8(2) ERR POINTS #1800 100 CODE OFF EXPLANATION #1808 80 T1 #1936 100 E1 4 E-mail had the wrong subject line(s) #2511 95 T2 "CS1500Lab02Source" & "CS1500Lab02Script" #2665 80 T1 E2 100 No e-mails #2700 92 S8(2),F1 #2797 89 T2,S8(2) T1 20 Missing Script #3461 100 S7(1) T2 5 Script did not perform required test (N=2, M=7) #3716 100 #4301 92 S12(3),F1 S1 60 Missing Source Code #4941 100 S7(1) S2 4 ea The program does not write required title(s) #5014 100 S3 6 The program does not write the required prompts for the input. #6355 92 S8(2),F1 S4 2 ea The program does not write the required labels for the outputs #6506 100 S5 3/pr Form of prompt or output incorrect #8404 100 S6 3/pr Misspelling or Error in the output #8952 95 T2 S7 3/pr Numbers don't line up properly over each other in the output #9093 94 S6,S8(2) S8 3/pr In the output, incorrect amounts/kinds of blank space #9397 92 S12(3),F1 S9 3/pr The cout statement for a prompt outputs a newline #9580 100 S10 3 ea Newline(s) missing in the output #9916 89 T2,S8(2) S11 3/pr Extra blank or other line(s) in output S12 2 ea Additional variables used to calculate the triangle sides. S13 4 The source code contains minor error(s) S14 25 The source code contains major error(s) S15 5 Variable(s) are the wrong data type (not int) F1 2 Faulty indentation, tabs, too-long lines, or other bad formatting (n) Denotes Number of Errors; e.g. S10(2) means two newlines missing in the output